Title: Chicken Soup for the Bedridden Soul
Author: Evraealtana
Characters/pairings: Ryan, Esposito, faint traces of Ryan/Esposito
Prompt: “Quarantine” (
castle100 )
Rating: G
Spoilers/author's notes: None =] yay.
Summary: Very few people are actually sick when they call in "sick".
Drabble: )
Comments 6
I don't remember what it's called...it's one of my favorite roach fics and I don't remember the title -_- but I've read it about a hundred times, give or take =PP Where ryan calls in "sick", so espo goes to take care of him for a bit, but when he gets there he finds ... anyway. Later, Castle and Beckett discuss why Espo hasn't come back to work after he went to check on Ryan and they start talking about how Castle would take care of Beckett if she got sick, but she insists that he would "burn the soup...and then [he]'d be...loud," to which castle makes a suggestive smirky face =P 'cause you KNOW, if she invited him to her house, just the two of them alone together, he'd be...VERY loud.
Wow, I feel really awful that I can't remember what it's called o_o *dashes off to the RyanAndEsposito masterlist to find it*
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