Title: “It Sounds Cliché”
Fandom: Castle
Characters/Pairings: Ryan/Esposito, Lanie/Esposito, some Ryan/Jenny
Word count: 1,756
Rating: NC-17 for sex and language, including taking the Lord’s name in vain on multiple occasions. Oh dear.
Spoiler alert: Hope you’re caught up with the ComicCon panels. If so you’ll see the spoilers when they pop up, though
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Comments 10
I can totally imagine that happening now and all crappy Espo/Lanie-ness that happens in Season 3 will be forever wiped out by the memory of this fic.
Thank you!
Now I can sleep. ;)
...after I read it through again! Hello 2:00am I've seen you every day this week.
=O you should go to bed, honey! Sleep-deprivation is not healthy, no matter how awesome the cops of Castle make it seem =\
I'm glad I've allowed you to sleep, though xDD
I realized belatedly that this also applies to a prompt on CastleKink, about "an argument leads to a first kiss". I might have to post it there, too. And maybe castleslash? Though maybe not -- I'm always intimidated by that comm =O I feel like I'm the little kid hanging with the big boys *eep* I don't think I've ever posted to castleslash o_o
There was a few seconds’ pause before Ryan tersely replied, “What elephant?”
Is it wrong that my thoughts immediately went to... I can't even say it. YOU KNOW. you know!? LOL. The hammer is my.. anyway.
Oh man. As soon as he said "You and Lanie" I like almost died. Like almost. OMG. But Ryan- you and Jenny! Don't you see?!
... holy fuck.
This is the best fic you've ever written. Bar none.
Holy crap.
I'm putting this one on my memories.
This is mother-effing AMAZING jess! HOLY SHIT!
(enter this in the ficathon!)
I don't know that I'm allowed to, now that I've posted it to my journal...I dunno...
Is it really that good? I was so unsure about it =\ And it wasn't beta'ed or anything, I just threw it up there.
I'm sorry, was the dropping of the f-bomb confusing to you?! LOL!
Well, in all fairness, you didn't actually drop the f-bomb ;)
Just another day in the office <3
I imagine their days at the office will become much more interesting from now on ;)
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