Title: “The Call”
Fandom: Castle
Characters/Pairings: Ryan/Esposito, Beckett
Word count: 710 words
Rating: PG-13
Occasion: Prompt (and beta) by the adorably lovely theaquamarine =] Uploaded for starscythe’s birthday.
Spoiler alert: None
Disclaimer: The boys aren’t mine. Sigh. If only, if only…
The Call )
Comments 8
Fabulous! Loved that it was an innocent situation that sounded dirty, but also makes you think 'well why was Javi with Kevin when his shirt got stuck anyway?' adorableness LOL
+ love the new layout!
Nope. whiiiich is why you should tell me x] ... o_o kidding. Though you're welcome to lavish me with sweet words of adoration if you are so inclined x]]
No, but, it's your birthday. It's my job to write you stuff. And I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it =O I actually kinda get insecure about my writing when there isn't any smut >> so this little fluffy thing made me fairly nervous.
why was Javi with Kevin when his shirt got stuck anyway?
x] very true. Why was Esposito's voice "gravelly"? And why was he at Ryan's at five-thirty in the morning? Quite mysterious. Quite mysterious indeed.
+ love the new layout!
Ah! Really?! I made it in like 10 seconds because I needed something different...the old one was cute but I was sick of looking at it. This one reminds me of watermelon =P I might replace it over the next couple of days, but I like it for now x]
“God, that really hurt...”
For some reason, those two lines in conjunction became my favorite lines of this whole fic! LOL! ;) Poor Beckett! I love her squeaking at the end.
YOU KNOW WHAT?! Beckett should pay them back, and do the same thing with Castle!! PROMPTTTT! :) Mwahaha.
I love this. I love the idea of this. I LOVE IT! :)
I would hope so -- it was your prompt!!
Beckett should pay them back, and do the same thing with Castle!
Uhhh...I feel like I have to do this now. And it won't be nearly as good as this one. But I should do it. And besides! I owe you Caskett anyway!
*wipes tears of laughter* so amazing~ :D
*hands you tissue for the tears* Thanks for reading; glad you enjoyed =D
...But they were planning on having pancakes. PANCAKES, which Esposito terms as "what you make someone to say 'thanks soooo much for last night.'"
And they had to get crepes instead.
Poor Beckett. She won't be able to talk to them all day.
I do pity poor Beckett. She might be scarred for life now.
BTW, your icon = ♥
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