It's time for a REAL Candidate.

Jul 24, 2008 20:55

Lets look at the facts. The kinds of things President Bush has done would have gotten Richard Nixon thrown out of office. The kinds of things Richard Nixon did do got him thrown out of office and it does not even compare to the magnitude or gravity of the things President Bush has done. Impeachment is in order, but no serious senator or congressman will call for what is needed because they do not want to threaten the status quo that keeps them in office. The Senate is giving away it's biggest power, the power to declare war, and they are giving it away in a bi-partisan fashion. Even Senator Obama, while calling for change, not only voted along with over 90 of his fellow senators to give up the power to declare war, he voted to make the power retroactive. This clears President Bush of any punishment or persecution under American law, because what he did which was illegal at the time as made legal retroactively.

It is time for a serious change. Not a phony change such as voting for Obama who has made a short career of clamoring for change, all while following the archaic nature of the old politic. It is time for a candidate for President to tell you how it is, and how it should be, without fear of polling numbers telling him that it would lose him X amount of votes if he did his job and told the truth.

There is a vast gap between not just the rhetoric but the issues the candidates discuss and the agendas they lay out. Americans commonly fear the truth for it is too troubling. Americans want things to be true that aren't and so they pull the wool over their own eyes and fail to realize that no President will be able to fix health care. No candidate will be able to fix the situation in Iraq. No candidate will be able to solve the Education Enigma. No candidate will be able to fix Social Security or Global Warming or Poverty or the Energy Independence problem.

Any Candidate who will tell you that he or she can or will do any of the preceding is either too inexperienced to know any better or are telling you an outright lie.

Here is the real truth:

The economy is 14 Trillion dollars big and 7 million people voluntarily change jobs every 3 months. No President is strong enough to guide this monstrosity, much less fix the problem. The absolute best any President can do is gently nudge things and hope that their policies end up doing more harm than good.

In order to fix the National Deficit, I am sorry to disappoint the conservatives who think no one should pay any taxes, but tax increases are required in order to fix the national deficit. I am also sorry to disappoint liberals who think that the Government should be big but spending cuts will be required as well.

Also disappointing to those who are growing older, the programs that most need to be cut are those of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. If they are not cut, the budget running without deficit will have 70% of the Nation's money going to those 3 things within the next 20 years.

We import 12 million barrels of oil per day in America, whereas 20 years ago we imported a mere 4 million barrels a day. It is not possible to raise domestic production rates to meet that 8 million barrel per day increase. We can not drill our way out of our dependence on foreign oil, but we must increase domestic oil production in order to somewhat control the international cost of oil as we are not the sole consumer of oil in the world market.

We must also use the current technologies in the fields of Nuclear and Solar energy to develop more efficient vehicles, homes, and production services.

On Poverty, people either do not want to admit, or do not know, that the majority of the increase in poor people are both legal and illegal immigrants. New immigrants and the children of immigrants come here with little or no wealth and usually lacking all but manual labor skills. We need to assimilate the immigrants that are already here and limit the future immigrants to the highly skilled and those that accommodate a specific area of need that Americans can not fill.

The war on Iraq and terrorism are not going to be solved by torturing and re-educating the citizenry of the middle east, nor will it be solved by pulling all of our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan. It's going to be solved by setting up an infrastructure that will allow the region to figure things out for themselves while leaving behind bases that provide logistical and emergency support. The war on terror will not be solved by torture but neither can America isolate itself from the world.

If you can get behind a candidate who will tell it like it is, and will work non-stop in order to find realistic solutions that lacks the pie-in-the-sky rhetoric, but is not intertwined with politics then it's time to join me in my crusade of truth.

I hereby proudly proclaim my candidacy for President of the United States of America.
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