books books books:)

Mar 03, 2012 04:20

13 The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
I really liked this! Flavia is kinda reminds me of Wednesday Adams, but is certianly her own character too:) I didn't know i'd be so interested in stamps:P And i certainly like the historical aspect, both of 1950's, and further back. I don't know much about the 50's (Britain), so i do have to keep reminding myself of the time period, but that's my fault, not the book's:P

14 Matched by Allie Condie
I also quite liked this one:) I was pleasantly surprised by it's "not-stupidness":P There were a few moments of angst/whine, but Cassie is surprisingly self-aware, or awakening to it, and notices such behaviour in herself:) I cried at the end with Ky and her parents, but i like how it ended overall. There is a sequel, and it left it open enough to be, but it also feels like it could be left as it is. I have seen some reviews comparing it to The Giver (as in it's a rip-off), and in retrospect, i think they're right, but it's been a while since i read The Giver, so i could enjoy this on its own. (i think if i were to reread The Giver anytime soon though, i'd get irritated at this one:P)

15 Second Chances: More Tales of Found Dogs by Elise Lufkin
This was a really sweet, hopeful book:) It made me happy, and feel loving:) Also, great photos- i especially like the ragamuffin on the front, but there are other gems inside too:)

16 The Faerie Path by Frewin Jones
I did like this enough that i'll try the second one before deciding about the series, but i had some issues with this. Anita seems really young, even for 16, and i think sometimes Jones' attempts to make her sound 'cool' come off as rude. It feels rather slow at first, but i did like the end (once i decided Anita's really about 13). It's got lots of tropes and cliches, but it's also light, and has some good messages.

17 Left Arm Missing, Left Leg Missing, Unfit for Service: The Life and Times of Daniel J MacDonald by John H Brehaut
This is a little biography of a former local politician. I was interested in it coz he served in the same regiment in WWII as my Grampy (apparently one time shortly after he got his leg amputated, he asked my grampy to scratch his foot), and i wanted to learn more about his war-time experiences. Unfortunately, this is very politics-oriented, and covers his whole life, but doesn't focus much on his earlier years. Now, he was a very interesting man, and i did learn quite a bit about local and federal political history, but i'm not really into that:P Also, the story-telling is sometimes bland, and Brehaut offers a lot of minutiae, especially about the politics. Just not much for me:)

ok, well there's a few, and i'm within 10 of what i've read, so time for me to get back to work:P

2012 books

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