Oct 15, 2011 11:48
Hey all!
I've been missing in action for quite a while since June. Real life has been so hectic. I graduated from college on June 30th so I'm FINALLY a primary school teacher! Yay! I thought I'd have loads of time for dolly stuff, but first of all I needed a two month break. I did nothing at all during Summer... absolutely nothing at all. It was great. I got the rest I really needed.
I have a temp job as a teacher now, at least for one year, and I love it. I finally have the time, money and peace of mind to do fun stuff again. I haven't been sitting still when it comes to dolls, I just haven't had the energy to share my dolly adventures with you on my LJ. But that's about to change. Today alone I think I'll make at least 5 posts about my dolls, haha. Don't bother replying to all unless you're really interested, I just need to get all that off my chest before I start posting my newest acquisitions and dolls I'm waiting for to arrive. Don't wanna skip everything in between :).
It's good to be back!!