NOTE: I briefly discuss Breaking Bad S5E1 at the bottom of this entry. There are no spoilers in this entry, but I can't vouch for anything anyone may say in the comments thread, if there is one. If you aren't caught up with the series, this is your warning.
captaino and I recently saw Moonrise Kingdom. Liked it a lot. Possibly more than Rushmore, which has heretofore been the only other Wes Anderson movie I've really liked (remember disliking Darjeeling Express and not thinking much of Royal Tenenbaums; I would think I've rented Bottle Rocket from Netflix at some point but I can't remember anything about it and the Wikipedia synopsis doesn't ring a bell. Maybe I should try it again.)
Saw a trailer for Ruby Sparks: I liked this movie the last time I saw it when it was called Stranger than Fiction.
During the season premiere of Breaking Bad, I saw promos for
Small Town Security: I liked this TV show the last time I saw it when it was called Reno 911! This is apparently a reality show chronicling the haps of "a small, family-owned private security company located in rural Georgia." I admit I didn't pay attention to it (I had it on in the background while I was doing something else after Breaking Bad ended) but it had the same feel anyway.
Leading into the Breaking Bad premiere, AMC showed Pitch Black and the Chronicles of Riddick. It feels silly to be reviewing the latter, but Pitch Black was a silly cheesy movie that I enjoyed a lot because it was a silly cheesy movie. I found the sequel a bit disappointing, especially that they retconned this whole fantasy thing of supernatural races etc. instead of having Riddick be merely an extremely buff specimen of extraordinary human or whatever, like they were making the mistake of taking themselves too seriously. (Trivia: the
actress who played "Jack" in Pitch Black auditioned for the sequel but didn't get it. Also there's a third feature film coming in 2013.)
Total Recall: I liked this movie the last time I saw it when it was called Total Recall. OK, just kidding about this one -- I did really enjoy the original, and am looking forward to the remake.
Breaking Bad premiere: S5E1 felt a bit flat to me, relative to the rest of the series. The main action bit felt a bit forced. Although, after the events of the S4 finale, it put me in the mind of ST:TNG and how after the "Best of Both Worlds" 2-parter ending season 3, season 4 started with the very non-action and character-oriented "Family."