(no subject)

Jan 24, 2008 03:04

What were you like: A hot piece of ass
Who was your teacher: idk
Who was your best friend: Erin and Charlie
Who did you have a crush on: the chuckles
Something random: When I was in Kindergarten our gym was huge and they school had these BADASS bikes and wagons and things that you rode around. Nothing yous have ever seen, it was soo cool and we could ride them all around the gym. JAWESOME!

First Grade
What were you like: wearin a uniform
Who was your teacher: i still don't remember
Who was your best friend: Kathleen, Erin, and Charlie
Who did you have a crush on: still chuckinator
Something random: Girl Scouts was rad

Second Grade
What were you like: the devil
Who was your teacher: i don't remember any of my teachers names from St. Joan of ARc
Who was your best friend: Erin, Erin, Charlie, Kathleen, Christina
Who did you have a crush on: Conor Flecke and Charlie
Something random: I have alot of good memories. First I wrote a fake note to Conor from his "girlfriend" at the time Meg. The note read something like " Conor I don't like you anymore, I don't want to be your girlfriend." And then I stepped on it so it looked like she dropped it, I went to his classroom and told the teacher I found it on the steps, and I guess he or she read it but I got in trouble. Also I used to get these block things on my desk if i was bad, and if I got three in a day I got in trouble. My teacher would write a :) :| or :( in my notebook everyday to let my parents know how bad I was. I called 911 becasue I read a book about a little girl calling 911. I was over Charlie's house and his mom had to sit us down and lecture us about calling 911. I didn't have to finish 2nd grade because we moved... I got out in the end of April.

Third Grade
What were you like: Midwestern and flyyy yy yyyy
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Connor and Mrs. Robinson
Who was your best friend: Laura Gallagher
Who did you have a crush on: Mike doc? I can't remember
Something random: Idk, nothing special

Fourth Grade
What were you like: gorgeous
Who was your teacher: Mrs. Benoit
Who was your best friend: Laura and Jill Carney
Who did you have a crush on: probably Brenden Boudwin
Something random: Me and Jill would choreograph dances to BSB all the time in my backyard, we had really good shit too

Fifth Grade
What were you like: Saddistic, I wanted Megan OBrien dead
Who was your teacher: Mrs Weinrich.
Who was your best friend: Laura and Jill sorta
Who did you have a crush on: Richie
Something random: 5th grade was the year we got skirts instead of jumpers and Richie Tarr used to drop pencils all the time and look up girls skirts, but the girls knew it. I still thought he was cute. I never fell for the pencil drop though

Sixth Grade
What were you like: New and blonde
Who was your teacher: idk what the fucking team was called. Mrs. Spry and the science teacher that had TERRIBLE exyma( i don't know how you spell that skin disease)
Who was your best friend: Allison Goodwin and Nyumah
Who did you have a crush on: Sherwood<333
Something random: We were the only 6th grade team that had one of those blue lockers, and they used to shove Minkus in there. One time someone like tied the door shut so he couldn't get out and was late to class and had to explain it to everyone.... HAHAHAHHA MINKUS

Seventh Grade
What were you like: Friends with Tara Jameson and braceface
What was your favorite class: Landmesser<333 MATH
Who was your best friend: Cara, Jenn for a minute, Jackie Buckley?
Who did you have a crush on: CJ Buchanan
Something random: Me and Gina pushed a shopping cart home from Drexeline to her house one day... :|

Eighth Grade
What were you like: fucking badass forsure
What was your favorite class: Ms. Miley's math because she was COMPLETELY insane
Who was your best friend: Ashley, Jacqui Doucette, Cara, Jenn, Amanda, Allyson, Jim Burner and Dan Johnsen. I was good acquantances with Sean Whalen, Nick George, Matt Wells, and Joe Carlile also.
Who did you have a crush on: Johnny Feehan
Something random: I became a Clifton rat, started doing drugs and drinking and kissed some boys. I walked to tressels weekly and Andrew Ma was my science lab partner and he hated me so much.

Ninth Grade
What were you like: Agnst-y
What was your favorite class: Any laptop class, because they were easy as fuck.
Who was your best friend: Cara, Jenn, Katie Gallagher, Joe Carlile [In school Feesh, Lu, and Bobbi were my niggas, they just lived in Roxborough]
Who did you have a crush on: Mike Moritz, SEAN WHALEN!!!<3
Something random: I used to play sports all the time, matt wells was a bench prostitute. I dyed my hair more colors than you can imagine, I barely spent a second without Katie or Joe, Joe and myself got box seats to a Hilary Duff concert, and I used to smoke doobies in the bathrooms at school with Bobbi. <333333333

Tenth Grade
What are you like: I was fucking bad ass in 10th grade, like you wouldn't believe. I actually thought I was cool as shit
Favorite Class?: Desktop, Novelli, Marketing and fucking D'orrazio(sp? I know he spelled it really funny)
Who is your best friend: Kate and Joe for a while, Cara, Jennnn, Mariel, Beth, Hanh, Meliss, Chaz, GEORGE DOMINIC PELLIGRINO III
Who do you have a crush on: Sean Whalen and FUCKING DAN CONWAY
Something random: Will Bradley used to dress HELLA rastaman, I brought Katie to school one day without getting a pass for her and not one teacher even questioned it. I loved the Shire and the Hess more than a 15year old should and trecked through the cold over a mile to get there.

Eleventh Grade
What are you like: Even cooler than the year before
Who is your best friend: Cara, Jenn, Mariel, Beth, Hanh, Kate Engell, Tim, Bob, Brett and I was pretty good friends with Meg for a while in there
Who do you have a crush on: Josh, Brett, and still Sean Whalen AND THE AZN ANDREW w HAWT SHEWWWZ
Something random: I worked at a pizza place and babysat a child over the summer. I watched more movies in my basement with Josh than should be humanly allowed. Joe and I broke into Aronomink swim club once or twice, and we brought rusty. I got a flat tire down the shore, puked, and my mom came and picked us up.

Twelfth Grade
What are you like: The baddest mother fucker around
Favorite Class?: Preschool Lab, English,
Who is your best friend: Cara, Jenn, Brit, Denise, Joe, Mariel, Beth
Who do you have a crush on: I don't think I had a crush senior year... WeEeEiRdD
Something random: Justin Abraham and Greg Fitz robbed me of probably more thn 50 dollars in english via the devil's card game called 13, Me and Brit would get drunk in her backyard with wine alot, I got a fake id, started seein matt wells and nick george alot more often again. I decided to go to Chicago and visited the skunk in san fran over the summer. best time of my lifeeeeeeee<3

and now that we've moved onto higher education heres freshman year of college for yah
Freshman Year of College
What are you like: East Coast and flyyyy
Favorite Class?: My Arabic class was cool, and I kinda liked the kids in my english class, but not the course
Who is your best friend: Cara, Brit, Neise, Mariel, Beth, Max, Sky, Julie, Cody
Who do you have a crush on: I have a serious love for this mexican at my work named DAHHH VEEEED, but everyone is gay. I'd be down w Max though, that's for sure
Something random: I've been propositioned more than ever, I've seen and talked to more bums than I thought existed, I've smoked more ganj than I thought I could ever handle. I've met some rad ass people and done some cool shit. I'm lovin break so far and I really can't wait to go backkkkkk!
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