I will get to my subject line behind the cut cuz it's long and with lots of pics.
So this weekend I was in Montreal with my friend and her dad for the Grand Am race. I love Grand Am. My favorite driver is Joe Foster (I know, not Patrick.), he is the other driver on Dempsey Racing.
Anyways we made Joe shirts, cuz well hello I love him.
This is me making the front.
The front of the shirt
This is me doing the back
And the back of the shirts
We also made one for Paddy, in Paddytense. So he could show his Joe love.
So on Friday morning we got up bright and early and drove the 1 hour into Montreal.
We got to the track and headed to the Paddock to see the team, they were not there. They were down in the pit cuz it was practice time. So we went and walked around the GIANT TRACK, my feet have never hurt more. And then sat down and watched for a bit. After practice was over we trecked back to the Paddock and THE TEAM WAS THERE. We called Joe over, he was really surprised that we call him over. And we gushed and fangirled him. He LOVED THE SHIRTS SO FREAKIN MUCH. It was amazing. (He touched my hair so he could move it so he could read hahaha) The whole crew loved them (and knew my name...weird). They all wanted one, but sadly we only made one for Paddy, whom Joe told us was "bored in his trailer on the set, playing video games." There were some younger (like 16 yrs old) French girls, who were obviously just there for Paddy and Joe (whom they had no idea who he was) tried to tell him he was coming yesterday...which was hilarious. Alicia had to step in with her French to explain that unlike what Joe said paddy was coming TOMORROW not yesterday. We talked with him and the team for a while and got some pics before he had to head out for qualifying. When we walked away I had my little freak out moment but I guess we were not far enough from the rig cuz they ALL STOPPED what they were doing and looked at me. Thank God Joe didn't see hahaha.
Joe and I.
Joe, Alicia and I.
Joe signed my shirt.
After qualifying we went back to Alicia's Aunts house, had dinner and tracked down materials to make Joe his own shirt, cuz we knew he REALLY wanted one. Long story shirt it took ME and Alicia's amazing Uncle 3 HOURS to get it to print the way we needed. Joe still owes me a drink. I crashed after I got it printed.
We got up on Saturday (I woke up SICK, which sucked cuz I was on cold meds all day and blowing my nose all the time (its Alicia's fault)), had breakfast, and ironed the print onto Joe's t-shirt. Then headed out to the track.
By the time we got to the track it was around noon, so we knew the team had 2 hours before the race and would be in the paddock.We headed straight there and they knew us as soon as they saw us. Joe pointed us out to Paddy, which was awesome.
We talked briefly with Joe, but he had to head out to the drivers meeting so we just let him go.
Paddy waved, came over and was like "your the girls with the shirts?" We talked really fast but told him we will wait and he could go to the meeting.
We stuck around and talked with the team a bit while Paddy and Joe were away.
As soon as Joe got back we gave him his shirt, told him he owed me a drink. He loved it. (He rubbed my arm and was like THATS SO NICE! hahaha.) So now Joe knows he has fans.
Paddy took a while to get back because people kept stopping him. There was this creepy guy that we took a pic for and then Paddy got pulled away.
Charles, Joe and Paddy talking about the car.
We finally just went over to him when people started going up to him and gave him his shirt. He LOVED it. And was all "Oh I have to wear this tomorrow."
The first pic of Paddy and I. He was looking at Alicia's dad, whom had my video camera haha.
After Paddy got pulled away again we talked with more of the crew for a while. Mostly Jim, whom Alcia knew from facebook. He was way nice and cool.
Us and Jim.
Big Joe wanted in on the picture action as well.
After talking with the crew for a while we went over to find a place to sit. We sat right at the hairpin turn. We got all wrapped up in our plastic sheet cuz it was raining and settled in for the race.
THE RACE WAS CRAZY. Charles kept spinning out and almost crashing, especially right at our turn. There was lots of yelling and swearing and freaking out. But it was soooo amazing. WE FINISHED 4th. WHICH IS AWESOME.
We are in the middle there.
I was in the zone.
It was very wet outside...but we stayed dry.
After the race we walked back to the Paddock to congratulate the team on the awesomeness. And Paddy and Jim were the only ones hanging out in front of the rig and they smiled as us when we got close and we walked right up to them and started talking about the race. They were awesome. Joe came out and I gave him a high 5 (after he tried to shake my hand and didn't get the whole "pound it" concept) and congratulated him. We talked for a bit and then there was a moment of silence where I was like uhh "My picture from earlier didn't turn out...I hate to ask but can I get another one?" "SURE." So I got another one, but well I am freaking talking in the middle of it. I think I was telling him about going to SLC (which he knew, he also knew I was from Montana...I didn't tell him that).
We talked a bit with him, Joe and the crew. Had Paddy and Joe sign some things. The French girls from yesterday came over and got a picture. They also had a collage of Patrick pictures for him to sign and when they handed it to him he was like "Oh...obsessive much?" Which was the BEST THING EVER. They didn't get it cuz they only spoke French so...all kinds of awesome. But he still smiled and signed it.
We gor out pic with him and JOE...cuz well...we love them. I think it looks like an awful Prom picture cuz it looks like we are coupled off.
After that we talked a tiny bit more but things were getting busier so we said our goodbyes to everyone, got hugs from Joe, Paddy and Jim (said I would see them in SLC). And headed back to Cornwall.
So what did we learn? Patrick, Joe and the WHOLE crew is amazing. Like so freaking nice and awesome. I never felt like I was in the way or annoying them. They rock.
I know why I like Grand Am racing...even though it almost gives me a heart attack and makes me swear up a storm.
I make awesome shirts.
I am ready to get back to Bozeman cuz I am dead tired after the past 10 days but school starting (MY LAST YEAR!!!) isn't fun.
Salt Lake City will be fun times.
I need to sleep.