i was in a really bad car accident last night.
i was taking the b-line 87 highway to tempe and a drunk driver pulled out in front of me. i was in the left lane and i slammed on my breaks and swerved into the right lane. he hit me on my drivers side and i spun and then flipped. i landed in a ditch. i'm pretty sure i blacked out but when i opened my eyes i immedietly knew what had happened but i started screaming bloody murder. i clicked my seat belt off and tried to open my door. it wouldn't open. i screamed even more because the first thought that crossed my mind was "omg my car is going to explode". a man came running up and he pried it open as i fell out of my car. i screamed for about a minute after touching my head and seeing blood all over my hand as this man sat me down and rubbed my back to calm me down.
another woman, his mother i believe, came up and gave me hug and told me it was going to be ok. she called 911 and then she called my parents. the police came and a nice officer named jeremy was by my side the whole time. i was calm by this point and making jokes to the police officers and stuff. the ambulance came but there was only one, they put me onto a back board and took all my stats and stuff. my ambulance had to go because there was a bigger emergency so we had to wait for the helicopter. my parents came and my mom was really upset, she was crying. i told her i was ok and i gave her a thumbs up. i told her to get all my stuff out of my car and they did. i was finally air-vact [sp?] to osborn hospital. we landed in about 5 minutes and i was surprisingly cheery, waving to doctors and nurses, giving thumbs up saying 'happy halloween!'. they said i was the happiest patient they'd ever seen. when i got to the room table or whatever, i told them not to cut my jeans because they were new so they didn't. but a cute nurse guy had to pull them off a long with underwear and i was all embarrassed. they had to cut my shirts and my bra though. that sucked a lot.
my parents finally made it to the hospital, and so did my brother [he left the Cursive concert to be there with me]. he was really upset. my mom called my sister too, she was hysterical but i talked to her and told her i was ok.
the guy who hit me was this huge 410 pound indian man. he was in the curtain next to mine. my dad was all upset and went over there and said “You almost killed my daughter. i hope you’re hurtin you fat fuck!” and my dad got kicked out of the hospital for this. the nurses said they didn’t blame him though, they would have done the same thing.
i waited a few more hours and finally got stitched up. 9 staples in a 4 inch gash on my head and 7 stitches on a gash by my ear. i could hardly walk i was so sore, i had to ride in a wheelchair on the way out. i got home at about one and my mom helped me wash all the blood out of my hair. and fuck there was a lot.
this was definetly a terrifying experience. i can’t believe i walked away from it. surprinsingly right now the worst pain im in is the scratch on my eye ball.
here are some pictures though of my car and one of my head.. the head is pretty gruesome so look if you dare.
and now for my head... owie
so i guess i'm pretty lucky.. im gonna lay down some more......
lovelovelove everyone!