alvanista [29]

Jun 03, 2007 13:58

By the popular demand - the 'Norma wins!' tutorial!

We're going from
in PSPXI, although it's translatable to any program that has Color Balance~ Also v. easy.

1. Open up your base.

2. Duplicate it twice. Set the first duplicate to Screen, 100% and the second to Overlay, 100%.

3. Make a new layer, fill it with #020c24 [
] and set it to Exclusion, 100%.

4. Make a new layer, fill it with #e0eafe [
] and set it to Burn, 100%.

5. Duplicate your base, drag to top and set to Soft Light, 100%.

6. Take this texture
(by xonlyashesx) and set it to Screen, 100%.

7. Duplicate your base and drag it to top (again) and yet again set it to Soft Light, 100%.

8. Now, it looks nice, but a bit too cyany/greeny for me. So, go to Layers -> New Adjustement Layer -> Color Balance. Set the Midtones to 25, -11, 0*.
And now, doesn't that look better~

* - Settings vary depending on the picture used.

program: photoshop, for aurturius, for experienced, program: paint shop pro, user: alvanista

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