I don't remember a whole lot from the beginning of the week except we had band Monday night, then I went to the tanning bed. Wednesday I ate some bad broccoli and cheese (or SOMETHING) at school and ended up really sick after I got home around 5:30. So I puked from 5:30 until 2:30 in the morning. Jon went up to Franklin to hang out with some friends so he called me on his way home wanting me to keep him awake while he was driving. I managed for about 45 minutes until I had to puke again. So I let him go, he was at Seymour, I figured he could handle the rest of the way home.
Thursday was a wasted day. It was a half day and I should've stayed home, but I went anyway since I had a test 4th period. How wonderful that he decided to move the test to Friday. That was a complete waste. I came home and slept for about 5 hours and that actually helped a lot. I wasn't getting much sleep the previous night. Later that night I watched Finding Neverland with Jon. It was fun, I probably made him sick... but that's ok. It'll only last a couple of days :).
Today I picked up my dress and ordered the flowers. I have everything ready and taken care of. Now I just have to make sure Becka will still do my make-up. I kind of threw it at her and forced her to do it ;). I guess I got her sick too, I don't see how though. Oh well.
I'm hoping that I can go to Stephen's show tomorrow. I already told Emily I was going but my mom threw the whole, "Well, let's see what we've got going on tomorrow before you make any plans," speech at me. So... I'm not positive. I'm sure she'll let me though. I'm thinking Kayla can ride with us if Stephen doesn't have room. I don't know how that's all going down, but it was just an idea.
Off subject. While I was on the phone with Jon Wednesday night, Joe #2 called me and left a crazy ass message. Something about a stolen tortilla that he needed help finding, and something about Indiana in a really weird accent. It was so weird that I couldn't tell if he was beyond drunk or just being stupid. Which is sad, because I've gotten enough drunk calls from him that I can pretty much tell when he's drunk and not. It was just another odd message to add my list. People keep unknowingly calling me and just leaving a message of background noise because they didn't realize their phone dialed me. It's kind of fun to listen to but then the number won't show up and I can't identify the people. That part sucks... Oh well.
Until.. next week probably, ha.