So I really *want* to go to my yoga class today, but I woke up to this:
Dear Town of Boone,
Uh, guys? Where the hell are the roads? I only ask because you're usually excellent at keeping things scraped and salted and I LIVE IN THE CITY LIMITS YOU BASTARDS.
No Love,
Also the view of my back deck:
Also it's 20°F outside, with a forecast high of about 25°F. I mean, I'm no sissy, I do live on top of a mountain and everything, and by the end of February I'll be thinking that 25° sounds pretty damn sweet, but still. It's not supposed to be this nasty yet. *grouses*
Ah well.
Here, have a picture of one of my sugar gliders, Punk. Last night we moved the sheet that hangs between the boy's cage and the girl's cage, because one of our girls was in a chatty mood and we thought that maybe they could talk through the bars and get to know one another a little better. Be civilized. But no. Punk is a tiny little ball of fluff with a lot of hate inside him, and he wants nothing to do with the friendly girl-types who live next door. This is him attacking the sheet in a fit of rage because he can't reach poor little Faye, who just wants to talk.
Ah, kids these days. :D:D