Title: Summer Homework Assignment 1
Subject: Danny Phantom
Characters/Pairings: Danny Phantom
Media: Charcoal Pastels
Rating: G
Summer Homework Assignment 1: (Draw/paint/photograph/etc) a cartoon or comic book character you most identify with.
Ahh I suck at glow, I used charcoal pastels for this, and I made several attempts to get his eye to really glow. This was the best attempt I could get before I quit out of fear that I would ruin the rest of the picture. :( And his nose is all wonky, I didn't notice until I sealed the picture D: Oh well, life goes on. My take on a realistic (and obviously older, cause after 3 years on air, and obvious passing of time with holidays, he had to grow older ;D) Danny Phantom, the cartoon character I identify the best with.
Going to be busy all this week, what with packing for college and finishing last minute assignments, but I am working on something in my free time. Hoping to get some nice Supernatural art on here cause god I love those Winchester boys :)