short weekend

Aug 22, 2016 10:41

I guess theoretically all weekends are pretty short, but my "new normal" is definitely a truncated weekend.

Friday night through Saturday night is really it for true down-time with two jobs. And that's not always possible. (Though if I have to work Friday night or Saturday, I hope to be able to make it up with some down-time on another weeknight.) But fortunately this weekend it was! I was quite lazy, and it was delightful.

It's barely worth recounting. Just unstructured time. I had a kind of rough week last week - just the reality of two jobs, two sets of responsibilities/expectations/etc. were really settling in, in my gut not just my head - and I knew I had this time to recover. Downtime was great. I was left wishing for a bit more friend-time, but I didn't really have the energy to make something happen, so I just left it as it was. Saturday I slept in and did laundry when I got up and didn't walk to the farmers market because I didn't really need anything, and in the afternoon I actually started packing - well, purging BEFORE packing - and getting ready for the move in November. Because my friends that is only THREE MONTHS holy crap. I took out one very full garbage bag and one box. Not a hell of a lot, but only the work of about an hour or two tops, and that's several piles of stuff I don't have to pack or move now. Then I cleaned the kitchen, including some cabinets. We live in an urban area, so there are cockroaches, but they were always sort of manageable. The last couple months though, it's getting worse. So I scrubbed down and roach-sprayed (pet-friendly spray) and have no idea if it did anything, but it felt like I was doing SOMETHING at least.

Then I showered and noodled online and eventually I walked downtown and got a burger and played some Pokemon Go and then walked home. I chatted with Amber a bit when she got home, and I puttered around a bit more, and I went to bed.

Oh, I also finished up the new Harry Potter on Saturday. (I started it like Thursday night. It's a stage play script so didn't take very long to read.) It was nice to revisit, but I'm glad it felt so different from the regular books. I kind of hope it stays a play and doesn't get made into a movie, but really, what are the chances of that?!

Sunday, up around 7:15 and got ready for church. Managed to get into another text conversation with Tripp that I had to run off in the middle of or risk being late. That seems to happen on Sunday mornings (evenings, his time) fairly often. Anyway, I did get there on time, but I would like to start getting there earlier than "merely" on time, so that's more to work on. And church was good, and work was ALSO good. I was there until about 6 p.m., with a break for lunch.

It's very strange - having a job I actually love. Because I realize that has never actually happened before. I've certainly had jobs I don't MIND (I have one now!), and jobs that were sometimes fun to go to because of the atmosphere/people involved, but I've never particularly loved my work. It's still work, and I have a lot to learn, and I know I'm going to keep struggling with impostor syndrome, but it feels...worth it, in a way other jobs don't. It's hard to explain. I'll work on it. Right now I'm pretty busy with all the other things!!!

Home, with a stop at TJ's for groceries, and a quiet night mostly noodling online and talking/texting with Tripp again. Then bed a bit after 10, and then BOOM the alarm this morning went off when I was deeply, profoundly asleep and I've felt half-out-of-it all day. YAWN. Going to bed SUPER early tonight, let me tell you. After I go home and do some more work. =)

work, weekend, church

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