Survey whatchamacallit as stolen from
1) A) name given at birth : Kate... insert surname here.
B) nick names : Catch, Catchikins, Mwok, Mwokky, "...mwokk3h", Steve, Kaiti-Fish, The Devil/Debiru-Nii-Chan, Natasha, Catalina Sanchez
2. favorite words : annihilate, gadget, purple, cyberpunky, kyuute, elbowless, gah, pimpin', SWORD!
3. hometown : melbourne
4. occupation : student and Molly Millions wannabe
5. favorite salad dressing : Gondor has no salad dressing. Gondor needs no salad dressing.
6. shampoo or conditioner : trust me, this mop on my head needs all the help it can get.
7. have you ever gone skinny dipping : why does every quiz ask this? some day I'm going to strip down and jump in the neighbours' pool when they're not home, just so I can say 'yes'. oh, I have been in public baths in japan, which amounts to pretty much the same thing.
8. favorite type of music: having tried and failed to answer this question before, I see no reason why I'd succeed now. currently listening to a lot of Japanese jazz, French hip-hop and the odd bit of Placebo. but music is the only recreational drug I'll ever need.
9. hobbies : drinking tea, science fiction, writing, kung fu, sucking at kung fu, music in general, acquiring minions, pretending to be a tech runner, making stupid puns, thinking of all the other hobbies and interests I'd have if I wasn't studying. I am boring.
10. toothpaste : exists.
11. favorite foods: sushi, sourdough toast, rice, chinese bbq pork, tofu, chicken in all its many guises. ooh, look at mysterious chicken go!
12. do you get along with your parents : half of them.
13. favorite place to chill in : the fridge
14. favorite ice cream parlor : there's this place on lygon st that sells watermelon-favoured icecream. I'd been dreaming about that since I was a kid and last year I finally got some. tasted just like I wanted it to.
15.favorite drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) : vodka, good sake, green tea, splitrock blood orange, baileys irish cream. am allergic to the histamines in red wine, which makes me cry.
16. favorite brand : Sale, 50% Off
17. favorite perfume : I love the smell of napalm in the morning
18. favorite web site : I'm going to use this as an excuse to plug
NinjaBurger. delivery in 30 minutes or we commit seppuku.
19. favorite subject in school : Japanese, probably, or Legal when I can use it to out-manouvre my father
20. least favorite subject : physics
21. favorite sport to watch : not a sport person, but have been known to get into really good tennis or soccer
22. favorite TV channel : 7's got alias, but sbs has everything else, so...
23. favorite actor : Johnny Depp
24. favorite actress : oh, so many.
25. favorite movies : good heist movies, really really bad action movies, anything with great fight sequences and/or a real cyberpunk aesthetic. or ninjas.
26. favorite TV series : Alias. It's like visual crack, I swear.
27. humiliating moment : exists.
28. what do you look for in a partner: someone I can talk to as a friend, who understands what I'm on about most of the time, who is at least moderately insane, who doesn't mind giving me space sometimes, and who I'm attracted to. yes, that's important, otherwise they'd be what you call a 'friend'.
29. say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you : I wish
arli0 all the best in accomplishing that which I dreamed she would, and that's the nicest thing I could say to her. :D
30. one of the first people in my life: A blue fish Tuesdays. Wha?
31. person you sent this to who is least likely to respond :
arli0 because she's already done it.
32. how long did it take you : not over yet, is it?
33. number of kids you want to have : I'm not going to inflict my offspring on the world, it's fucked up enough as it is.
34. have you picked out their names already : see above.
35. weirdest thing that you've ever done : this is me, you realise, I could fill fifty pages
36. favorite color : black and silver
37. pets : used to have a venus fly trap
38. dream car : slick little Merc or BMW full of James Bond gadgets. notable fact: in james bond, bad guys drive mercs.
39. do you have any piercing or tattoos : Multiple earrings, but that's it
40. most romantic thing that you ever did : :]
41. loudest person you know : Vash and Evie
42. favorite holiday : My three weeks in Japan. However, some day I will do the whole 'island' thing. Conversely, I want a castle in Transylvania.
43. height : 174cm plus boots
44. are you a righty or a lefty : haven't you noticed I'm always right?
45. where do you see yourself in five years : fourth-year com. sci, third/fourth year law depending on marks this year, at melbourne or monash
46. have you ever broken the law : ahahahaha, which means yes.
47. cheated on a test : yes
48. have you ever cheated on your boy/girl friend:
49. when was the last time you cried : probably a few weeks ago
50. best thing that happened to you today : drawing mustachioed stick figures on the lab desks with
r4ve, while watching a forty-year-old physics video about being upside-down
51. what was the first thing you thought of when you woke up : uguuuuuuuh.
52. what is the worst feeling in the world : when everything's wrong and you can't do shit to change it
53. what do you remember about over the past year: schoolwork, sitting on trains, snatches of music, cold, warmth, friends, wasting time
54. what is the best feeling in the world : just being happy, even when you don't have a reason
55. what's under your bed : the last person to ask that question
56. what's your favorite number : 5, 25
57. what's on the walls of your room : the last person to ask that question posters, postcards and memories
58. what do you wear to bed : men's purple shirt. and underwear. and a really fat doona.
59. what are you wearing now : Guys' blue jeans (mm, fabric with substance...), black ninja top (recommended by 95% of snow ninjas for extra warmth) over t-shirt with pictures of spiderwebs spun by spiders on mind-altering substances (no, that wasn't a joke. the caffeine one is really fucked up. however, spiders on weed get really creative. this has been catch o'shane, telling you all you need to know.)
60. favorite friend: now there's a question that launched a thousand ships
61. favorite things to do in weekends: wander the city, blob around with friends, write, go out at nights somewhere with neon and good jazz
62. do you like to drive : I've driven a tractor, a speedboat, several houseboats, two jetskis, a Jeep, a Ford Falcon, go-karts, dodgem cars and a red BMZ Z3, but I still don't have my Learner permit. So.
63. do you sleep with stuffed animals : call me a stuffed animal virgin, if you will
64. do you type your fingers over the right keys : occasionally
65. do you smoke: the inanimate objects around me have been known to do so
66. who do you go for advice : friends, mother- yeah, I said it, but she's fairly cool.
67. who has it easier, guys or girls : each would probably say the other, so I say none.
68. what would you rather be a skateboarder or a cowboy : cowboy baby.
69. do you think this survey is long : do I think the person who wrote this survey is running out of questions?
70. do you drink: no, I absorb liquid through my skin. It's fun. Try it some time. *glub glub*
71. one or two pillows : one
72. type of car you drive : bmw z4, in my head.
73. most romantic thing that has happened to you : :]
74. whole or skim milk : neither
75. simple or complicated : physics questions should be simple, Japanese electronica should be complicated, and everything else should fit in somewhere between.
76. tall/short girls/guys : No preference. Either.
77. worst boyfriend/girlfriend : David Anders- ended badly, and not on his terms, but fun while it lasted. Go ahead, prove me wrong.
78. favorite outfit : oh, I dunno, I don't ask for much, maybe a tailored full-length black biosteel jacket, black Ivy Kane slacks, silk kimono-wrap shirt, chunky black boots, Gibsonesque shades, thinskin leather gloves, matched katana and wakizashi at my side and my faithful blackbox in my... uh, you meant stuff I actually own?
79. stop or go through a yellow light: I'm Malaysian
80. best day of your life : no idea
81. favorite brand of clothes: it looks good + it's reasonably practical + it doesn't require me to auction my liver = I buy it.
82. have you ever played strip poker : I'd really like to do this with someone who had a really nice jacket. Then I could steal it and run away.
83. do you believe in love at first sight : attraction at first sight is common as all hell, but love as I understand it takes more than a glance.
84. do you believe in aliens : it's a mighty big universe to contain only one inhabited planet, so, yes.
85. do you believe in ghosts : their existence has not been wholly disproved, so I have no reason not to.
86. do you believe in heaven : see above
87. do you believe in hell : I run the place.
death_onahigh and
riyuen can tell you.
88. do you believe in yourself : I believe I can fly! Hold my beer and watch this!
89. what do you notice first about the opposite sex: face, hair, clothes.
90. when was the last time you got a real letter : A few months ago. Katharina's lovely and I'm hopelessly slack.
91. what is your greatest fear : to have wasted my life.
92. do you save emails : not usually
93. have you ever done anything that you regret: show me a man without regrets, and I'll show you a user-friendly email spam filter that actually works.
94. If you were alone in a deserted island and you could only bring three things with you, what would they be : a good knife, a magnifying glass, and a really fat empty notebook to write in.
96. if you could meet only one person anywhere in the world, who would it be : only one person? they'd better be a bloody good conversationalist. seriously, I don't know.
97. what is your favorite quote : "An acolyte once said to the Master, 'Master, why is it that while all other animals cover their bones with flesh and skin, the turtle chooses to cover its flesh and skin with bone?' In response, the Master took off his sandal and covered the turtle with it."
98. what is your favorite candy : you.
99. silver or gold jewelry : silver- inciting the wrath of my Indian ancestors here
100. cheese or pepperoni pizza : pizza without cheese is not pizza, it is non-pizza. we could make cheap and renewable energy through the union of pizza and non-pizza. I'll shut up now.
101. do you have any siblings : a small Steve named Steve, yes. we loves him.
102. if you could pick one person to go to a vacation with, who would she/ he be? : nobody- nothing personal, I'm solitary by nature. alternatively, someone who wouldn't mind spending a long time looking at traditional japanese weaponry.
103. your favorite song right now : sifl and olly- ninja of the night. blame
lainex. also can't stop listening to dave grusin and phoebe snow's "thankful and thoughtful", the placebo cover of kate bush's "running up that hill", "baby grand" (billy joel and ray charles, wo0), and yoko kanno in general.
104. in your opinion, what's the best way to win someone's heart : be yourself, because if you don't, then they're not falling for you.
105. what will you do when you meet the person who started this whole email: congratulate them for having a longer attention span than I do
106. what's on your mind: the work I'm not doing right now. gah, english.
107. how long did it take you to finish this whole email : again, we are not finished.
108. what's your dream : I'm still looking for it. a sense of fulfillment, probably, although right now I'd settle for a nice leather jacket and two more weeks to study for my Physics exam.
109. what's the most memorable Christmas gift that you've received: nothing springs to mind. best birthday gift ever = mp3 player. <3 <3 <3
110. do you think we'll have world peace? only once everybody's dead.