Jun 25, 2009 07:59
Chap 5
A few days ago, Adam could have sworn that the squealing that accompanied Allison and Lil was not humanly possible, but here he was, standing and listening to the two scream that ungodly sound, hugging each other.
Practically everyone came running at the sound, Kris getting there first, as usual. They made a funny tableau, Adam thought, Kris pulling in at a dead stop, Danny, Anoop, Matt, and Michael almost knocking him over when they ran into him. Almost like a sitcom on cue, Adam thought, shaking his head.
“What? What?” Anoop asked, wildly looking around.
“Won the lottery or something?” Michael asked, his face completely confused, perhaps fully expecting a fire or a rabid bear in the tour bus, at the very least.
“No, man,” Danny interjected, his face relaxing. “Look.”
The boys turned to follow Danny’s line of sight. A couple of huge boxes were on the floor, similar to those brought by people overseas. Ten boxes, to be precise. Each box labeled carefully with names: Iraheta, Allison. Rounds, Lil. Gokey, Danny. Desai, Anoop. And so on.
Michael looked the boxes, still bewildered. “What the heck are those?”
Adam sighed, finally breaking his silence. “Clothes, my dear Michael. You know, for the rest of the tour? Our outfits.”
Allison ran over to grab her box, pawing happily at the tape that held it together, squealing excitedly. “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it. Ryan told me they’ll probably arrive today, and I thought he was just being nice … I’ve been waiting for this for like, forever! My Dolce and Gabbana pants are in here, people!”
Kris and Adam exchanged looks, grinning. Allison was the most excitable of the group, happy over the smallest things, but they both loved to see her so delighted. It was a bit like indulging a little sister they never had.
The rest of the group slowly gravitated towards their own boxes, some obviously excited, some trying to pretend they weren’t. Comments of “Oh my gosh!” and “They want me to wear this?” and “And how does this thing even go on?” were either gasped, whispered, or shouted, making the idols look like a couple of children in their first Christmas tree gift-opening session.
Adam’s and Kris’ boxes stood side by side, and Adam strode over to deftly open his box with his nail filer. He flipped the metal instrument at Kris, who caught it expertly and slid it through his own. Both boxes sprang open, Adam’s first item something black and glittery, Kris’ something made out of denim.
Lifting his first item of clothing up, Adam turned towards Kris, his eyes shining. “Look. It’s my jacket!”
Kris glanced at the shiny, spangled cloth, grinning. “That’s what you were excited for? I mean, dude, you’ve worn something like that for - what, almost the whole show? What’s the deal?”
Adam turned the jacket around to show Kris, rolling his eyes in an expression of longsuffering. “Duh. It’s got rhinestones, farm boy.”
“Hmm.” Kris shook his head as he inspected a checkered pullover. “That’d be heavy. Does it go with the platforms?”
Adam casually flipped the jacket at Kris, who dodged it as if he knew exactly what was coming. “No, if you have to know. It comes with heels.”
“Dangerous,” Kris deadpanned.
“At least not boring,” Adam countered, using his lower lip to indicate another checkered shirt that Kris was inspecting. “I mean, why do they deck you out like that all the time? To make you look even more country than you already do?”
Kris smiled. “Cause that’s what I want. And that’s what I’m comfortable in.”
Clutching pink-and-purple leotards, Lil came over to watch Adam pull out a pair of leather pants. “Ooh. Glam-oh, loving it! I can so totally see myself in that.”
“You won’t fit,” Matt chimed in, who passed by holding a stylish hat.
Everyone laughed as Lil went chasing Matt out of the room, Lil whipping him over the head with the leotards. Danny broke free of his box long enough to start saying, “Okay, people… hey, okay … no more…”
At that moment of distraction, Adam sidled nearer to Kris’ box and snatched the first item he could reach. Very quickly he stuffed the material into his own, covering it with the boa that came with one of his outfits. He turned around to see Allison watching him, and Adam knew the wicked grin on her face was perfectly mirrored in his own.
Oh, this was going to be fun.
Adam was laughing to himself as he watched Kris look for his scheduled pants. According to the instructions of the list, Kris was meant to be wearing a black shirt, a dove-grey leather jacket - plus, supposedly, a black pair of 7 Jeans. Although he had very quickly located the first two items, the jeans were proving elusive.
Frustrated, Kris threw up his hands and sat on the couch. “I can’t even find the darn thing,” he complained, toeing the box, as if resisting the urge to kick it. “Ah, heck. I’ll just wear the other pair.”
“Oh, but it doesn’t fit the whole, you know, look.” Adam interjected, loving every moment of Kris’ torment, especially since he was doing all the searching clad only in a pair of board shorts.
It was, of course, particularly nice to see Kris’ fine ass and his lightly muscled biceps (and did anyone see how fine this man’s freaking shoulders are?) flex and move all over the place, although it was not the only time Adam had seen this. In fact, it was so often that Kris walked around in the mansion like this on his way to the pool that Matt had stopped catcalling and Michael had reluctantly accepted that Kris was just comfortable with his body, and that was all there was to it - nothing indecent or suchlike. Of course, the rest of the girls never commented on it, but Adam suspected it was really more of the fact that no one wanted to put an end to the free show they were all enjoying rather than from politeness or respect.
“Oh, frak to the look. I’m due onstage in fifteen and I don’t have all my clothes. Rather that I don’t look stylish than I look stupid without pants,” Kris said, allowing himself to collapse completely on the couch.
Adam sighed, slightly miffed that he couldn’t stretch the game any further: he could tell Kris was getting really pissed off, and he didn’t want him to feel bad or anything. “Oh, honey. Wait a bit there.” He rose from his seat, going over to pull the missing jeans from his box. “Sorry if I held it out a bit. Was working on it for improvements, you know, and I wanted it to be a surprise.”
“It was with you, all this time? Sheesh, man, whatever came over you?” Kris sat up and took the jeans Adam was holding out to him, shaking his head. “And what did you do to my clothes, Lambert?”
Adam grinned.
The jeans Kris held now was studded with rhinestones: a pattern of curlicues that flashed with every turn, beginning from the pockets area down towards the legs (Allison, who helped him in this project, wanted to have the patterns begin from the crotch, just for fun, but Adam put his foot down on that idea. Kris didn’t need that part highlighted; Adam very much preferred to ogle that on his own). More rhinestones, smaller and more numerous, decorated the back part.
Adam pushed the smaller man out of the dressing room even as he stood there speechless. “Okay, save your gratitude for later. You need to change. Go, go!”
Kris stumbled out of the room, completely lost for words.
The audience went wild when the first bars of “No Boundaries” rang out, and more so when Kris shuffled awkwardly onto the stage, seemingly completely out of his element in his new, flashy jeans. Adam watched with pleasure as three women in front took one look at Kris’s backside and promptly (like a choreographed thing, really) fainted in mid-scream.
The other idols came rushing to the side of the stage to watch the performance, brought in by the near-deafening noise that the women (and, uh, some men as well) were making, so much so that Kris couldn’t begin his song. The audience interrupted again and again with screams, catcalls, and applause, Kris smiling and blushing so furiously he was practically scarlet.
Danny tapped Adam’s arm. “Your handiwork?” he shouted over the din.
Adam only wiggled his eyebrows in response.
“Cool,” Danny grinned. “Could you do mine, too?”
Tossing his head, Adam waved a hand. “Only if you ask real nice, Mr. Gokey.”
Matt smirked, earning himself a cuff around the head.
Kris glanced at Adam on the side of the stage. He gave a brief, curt nod, mouthing, I’ll get you later, Lambert, before taking a deep breath and starting his song.
Adam just about died laughing.
Three days later, the audience screamed itself hoarse as Adam strutted onstage with two hideously-colored boas stitched on his pants. Feathers fluttered all over as Adam glared at Kris and Matt, who were holding their stomachs, doubled over by gales of quiet laughter.
Adam smiled, equal to the prank. Ooh. Matt’s so going to regret this, he thought. He does have that stupid looking hat …