Profile for
excuseuprincess. This page might generally be under construction and revision. :3
NAME: Midna (of the Twili). No family name given in canon, but that's par for the course in this game, innit?
BIOGRAPHY: Again, very little is given about her life history in canon. What we do know: she was lined up to be the next ruler of the Twili people until a certain servant of the royal family got his hands on a whole lot of power and made a whole mess of things. She was stripped of her power, trapped in the form of an imp, and cast out. As Zant ravaged the land and covered the world of light in shadows, she came across a strange beast with blue eyes...and the rest is history. Or, er, canon. It's hinted ingame that succession among the Twili is not in fact premogeniture-based, so it can be guessed that Midna was not necessarily born into royalty, but won the position of successor through some merit of her own. (I'd like to think that they tried to do something about her attitude and manners, and failed miserably.) She doesn't talk much about it, and the rest is anyone's guess.
AGE: Unknown. Rough estimate 22-24? (She doesn't know, and heck, I can't really tell.)
- 2'2" (imp, gets an extra 8 inches from the fused shadow she wears as a helmet for a total 2'10")
- 6'2" (normal. tall woman is tall.)
- 30 lb (imp, plus 15 with the helmet for a total 45)
- 175 lb (normal)
- Short, female humanoid body. Leans towards pear-shaped.
- Tall and long. Long limbs, long torso, long features. Mid-range body type for higher height percentile, fairly broad hips.
Note-- It's been pointed out, so, yeah, to, she doesn't have nipples. Does have a belly button, though, which is making me think too hard about the biology of this. Lol divergent evolution.
- Short, square, chubby and cartoonish. Large eyes set low in her face. The white coloration from her torso comes all the way up to her face, stopping at the nose and cutting below the eyes. The rest is a blueish-gray.
- Long, oval face, with narrow features. Very long, cat-like eyes. Eyes still brown, skin takes on the same grayish-white shade as her imp form. The mark seen on her forehead is actually jewelry.
COMPLEXION: A grayish-white that's become characteristic of the Twili after centuries living in perpetual twilight.
Like so. Generally clear skin, similar in texture to human dermal tissue.
- Large, round eyes. Very expressive, almost cartoonish. Light brown that takes on a red tint. Her corneas are yellow-tinted.
- Same coloration, different shape. Longer, lower-lidded, and lined dramatically with dark makeup to make them look even longer.
HAIR: Bright orange and very coarse. As an imp, she has it tied into a tail and lets it come out over the back of the fused shadow. Before the Imp Incident, she wore it split over her shoulders and clipped at the chest with a large brooch (with a large portion left either hanging loose under her veil or tied up ino something elaborate). Falls to the bottom of her shoulderblades when untied.
- Generally speaking she dresses as one might expect a princess to: upscale and fashionable. The more I think about it, the more there seem to be similarities between common modes of
dress in Ancient Egypt and the sort of costuming you see among the Twili ...most of them are naked. And Then there's Zant, but he's a head case. In Midna's case, this gives us: one (1) sheer black sarong skirt (linen) with patterns* dyed into it, one (1) long veil of heavier material (possibly cotton) that serves as a headdress and a shawl. She does not wear a top. Baring your chest is currently in style, dammit!
Makeup and jewelry are definitely a major part of her wardrobe. Makeup includes but is not limited to eyeshadow (dark gray), kohl liner, something akin to rouge powder (only light gray) and more. As for jewelry...the headdress consists of a long, decorative pin to support the fabric and a steel emblem suspended from a chain. This emblem is the crest of the royal "family". Large steel brooch as a hair ornament, one steel ankle bracelet.
SPEAKING STYLE: She speaks Hylian with an accent (but has been able to learn the language very comfortably-- she has a good ear). Her speech is riddled with slang (lol "hoofing it") and she often injects her dialogue with giggles. Especially when being facetious. Which she usually is. Never swears, though, or usually doesn't; she's rude but totally clean. Can speak fancy, but prefers not to. It will slip into her speech occasionally when she's, you know. Not heckling somebody. But good luck catching her at a time like that. >.>
GENERAL DEMEANOR: MOCKS YOUR PAIN. Yes, this is her default setting. She is probably making fun of you. If she's laughing, it's because you do, in fact, amuse her. Dance, monkey, dance! Generally, she comes across as having a great deal of confidence, and being very satisfied with herself. Probably becase she is. With those with whom she's more friendly, she'll forgo some of the unnecessary harassment. You still might get the feeling that she's not telling you everything or is being a teensy bit patronizing, though.
CAREER: I'll take "Twilight Princess" for 500, Trebek!
PREJUDICES: She's getting over some slight prejudice against the people of the world of light. And nobility. She's gotten to her station on her own merits and through her own hard work, so she tends to look down on people whose titles have been obtained through inheritance. Excuse you, princess.
BEST QUALITIES: She's not a princess for nothing! Midna's intelligent, and resourceful. Very determined, too, so when she sets her mind to something, it gets done. She's confident, so she's definitely not afraid to MAKE DEMANDS. Like I said. Gets. Things. Done. She has a natural drive to improve upon things, and has a real flair for innovation. ...yeah, that's about it. Her drive is what keeps her going, even when her technical skill and finesse aren't exactly up to par. (Smashing a castle like a pancake may not be a glamorous avenue towards victory, but it still works!)
WORST QUALITIES: Her attitude and temperament can be really off-putting. Come on, folks, raise your hands if you didn't like her in the beginning of the game**. Callous, insensitive, condescending, disingenous, dishonest. Aggressive, has a bad temper. Sore loser. Sore winner. Plus she flat-out heckles people for no reason at all. (It's just fun! D:)
It's not a terrible quality, but it should be noted that she has a comfort zone with an infinite radius. Has no problems with her own nudity or that of other people, and can't imagine why anyone would. She thinks you all wear so much because you're badly adjusted to the cold. Also she'll be in your personal space a lot and might touch-a-touch-a-touch-a-touuuuuuuch yoooooou.
WEAKNESSES: Her worst qualities tend to be what loses her a constituency where she's just "Midna the imp", rather than "Midna the princess". People aren't so keen on giving a mean little imp who's not exactly Naomi Campbell the benefit of the doubt. Tends to keep disengaged from others, to an extent. Also doesn't work well with groups or trust in the skills of others (easily. convince her, and you might have something going there). Unless it involves calling the shots. Which she is very comfortable with. She does have a tendency to get in over her head in sticky situations and certainly won't admit she's outmatched. An classic case of sticking to your guns when your guns are well out of ammo.
HOBBIES: What, saving the world doesn't count? Being in charge of an entire world of people shunned by the living world doesn't quite leave a lot of time for hobbies, but when she does get the chance, Midna loooooves loves loves theater/drama and literature. She's very well-read, and is always on the lookout for something good. One day she will find that you Earth people have been hiding this Shakespeare guy from her and absolutely have a field day. She also has a bit of training with stringed instruments and since having been imp'd, has rediscovered a love for swimming. Even if it's just sort of paddling around with stubby little imp limbs. Which is a sight that's so cute, it'll break your endocrine system.
TALENTS: Politics, getting things done, not taking no for an answer, pressing innocent humans into labor...OH. You meant other talents, okay. She's a skilled magic user, and can hold her own in a fight. She can play a few stringed instruments, and knows a little bit in a few different languages-- just enough for hellos, goodbyes, where-can-I-lol-have-a-potion and where's-the-bathroom. She's not half bad at writing poetry and prose, but it's for the eyes of no living thing. Has a good ear, and thus a good memory for short snatches of music and short phrases in other languages. Can quote you word for word every so often. Like she says, she's got a memory like a steel trap. Eeheehee!
* These symbols do in fact have meanings, but they're not particularly important. Just motifs.
**I loved it, but apaprently, not everyone did? One wii-mooching friend of mine favors the descriptor "bitch". It would seem other people agree. :3
Any questions, kiddoes? Feel free to leave questions, comments, etc. at the HMD post up there! Let me know if I'm driving in the shoulder and not paying tolls!