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Jun 30, 2004 01:48

My former bands: (I played drums unless otherwise noted.)

8th grade:
*Terminus: My first band ever. Suck suck suck. Terrible terrible terrible. Not bad; worse. We never played a show.

9th grade:
*Descendents of the Grass Creatures: unorganized grind core. Formed with the toughest girl I know, a bass player who later went way christian and started a jazz band, my brother and one of the best people I ever met. (2 shows)
*Kill on Demand: a serious project formed out of the ashes of Descendents... Same lineup except in place of the bass player there was a keyboard player who was totally goth, but actually goth and not some hot topic insta-goth (he was really cool, too.) More like chug-style hardcore than grind. (2 or 3 shows...I think)
*Reckless Endangerment: power-violence punk type stuff. Our singer/guitarist liked to take his pants off. I played bass. The bass player from terminus played drums. (a few shows, but not many)
*Unibrow: terminus bass player / reckless endangerment drummer and I attempting to rip off primus and mr. bungle. Our guitar player looked like Budnick from Salute Your shorts (I wish I were joking...actually, no I don't.) (2 shows.)
*12 Guage: new metal. Bad. But not terrible, for what it was. Also had the bass player from terminus/unibrow. (1 show.)

10th grade:
*the Velvetones: swing band. Aweful. We only worked out two songs: one was a glen miller cover, and the other was a peice that was often used in looney tunes cartoons. (no shows)

11th grade:
Carribean Death: pirate themed grindcore. We crucified someone at our one and only show. Formed from an idea that came from the bass player (who screamed in Kill on Demand). (1 show)

12th grade:
*Amalgam: brief stint in this band. I only played...zero shows with them. heh. Actually, that may not be true. I think we played an impromptu set at a house show once.
*Theorem of Atrocity: short-lived hardcore band formed with Ben of Arms Race, Ben of Who Hit Who (currently of Stranger by Day) and our buddy Matt on vocals. I played bass. We didn't play any shows.
*Arms Race: I briefly played bass for this band. I didn't play any shows with them.
*Devereaux: formed with Drew and Chris from Adagio and Chad from the Squares. This was the first band of mine that lasted for a year or longer, the first to play outside of my basement or other house show type of thing, the first to play out of town (Athens, to be exact), the first to play on the radio (WUOG Live in the Lobby), and the first to record. Our biggest show probably would have been with 12 Hour Turn, but they backed their van into a tree and couldn't open it, so they didn't play. I was disappointed. We lasted until the beginning of my second year of college. Our last show was the the ska band Jonny Socko. (several shows)

*Devereaux (mentioned above)
*Dissension: short-lived hardcore band. I played bass. Featured Drew from devereaux, our friend Jonny, York of Stranger by Day on drums and Chris of Cynosure on vocals. We have one live recording from our last show. (3 shows.)
*Camaro Crotch: 6 months strong and easily one of my most successful projects. Formed with Josh, Adam (currently in SIDS), Sunni (former member of several EC bands, Eiffel Tower High and Yr Dead Neighbor's Band, to name a few; the latter also had Matt from theorem of atrocity) and George (currently in Blame Game.) The first band I was in that had any kind of "merch." The biggest band we played with was probably Page 99. We had 3 last shows and a triple LP. (several shows.)
*Coulier: the most successful project I've ever been a part of. We have everything that any other band I've been in has had, plus we toured. Formed with Adam of Amalgam/Lonn and Brion Kennedy. Both of them come from a completely different musical tradition than I do, which is really cool. To date, we've realeased a 7" and a 3 way split with friends of ours. This is the first band I've been in with stickers and buttons. We're set to record in August and I can't wait. (several shows played and several more to come, along with a new release in the fall.)

Goodness. That's a lot. And really very few of them are projects that I would be proud. That's a shame.
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