So as of late I've taken to converting windows computers and users alike over to Ubuntu or it's various forks (a project fork happens when developers take a copy of
source code from one
software package and start independent development on it, creating a distinct piece of software.),it's fun.
kubuntu, ubuntu, xubuntu, and even edubuntu are all
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Comments 7
Hmmm, that sounds like something I told you a year ago or so when you were still going on about how well you can get Windows computers to work.
you should talk to Samantha about beryl or compiz.. she wants my graphics.
and Damien about Ubuntu studio.
I haven't talked to Damien about Ubuntu studio because I haven't messed with it as much. I have passed it onto Derrick, who is currently working on getting line-in microphones and such to work. I have, however, talked to Damien about Audacity, which is what we've been using to edit the music we've recorded.
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