Tue, 15:42: RT @ cdgoldstein: Me: This guy sucks Dude: Have you considered that he can recite the iliad in greek? Me: This guy, who can recite the ili…
Mon, 12:02: We ARE all relaxing during this Xmas impeachment break, right? ...it's going to be short-lived, isn't it. Yay for l… https://t.co/GfWTJqT67e
Mon, 12:06: Ok. So *this* is the story that got the Onion trending because folks took it seriously...and it's under "Food?" Oh… https://t.co/9svqDWGiMO
Sun, 13:59: Did the Hawks' kicker just decline to kick the ball?😐
Sun, 14:00: RT @ tha_rami: Incredible. I've been told they used the same strategy to write The Rise of Skywalker, and took it even further by having *on…
Sat, 12:54: Yikes - drains in Fairwood parking lot acting as springs.😬 (Today) You can see one out in our 2 1/2-3' deep lake an… https://t.co/NacMY9IF5I
Fri, 12:44: I love popping into Twitter and going straight to a summary like this... Lol, ET? I'll see what that's about eventu… https://t.co/AXbHgGK8uO
Thu, 12:37: Oh, lookie lookie: fun stuff! My Mom saw one of those things in the 40s or 50s i.e. Tic-Tac shaped and moving stran… https://t.co/s49wiMwVGd
Wed, 12:20: RT @ JohnFugelsang: Now they're actually comparing Trump to Jesus. The only things DT has in common with JC is that they both hung out with…
Wed, 13:03: RT @ PalmerReport: Donald Trump's day so far: - He's getting impeached! - Happy #ImpeachmentDay - House GOP compares Trump to Jesus - These…
Tue, 13:02: *listens to Jake Tapper describe Dum Dum's letter* Oh lawsy. 🙄 Well, a six page "stream of consciousness" diatribe… https://t.co/T5hvbQYhjm
Sun, 12:56: RT @ Randy1116: Here is our new, personal Peabody Duck, purchased during our stay at the Peabody earlier this year, nestled comfortably in o…
Sun, 18:26: RT @ EvanMcMullin: A growing number of those concerned for the state of our republic seem to be expressing increased anxiety. My advice: buc…