This doesn't realate to your post whatsoever. But I was feeling nostalgic and decided to read my entire lj +comments. When I came upon this comment (which was in reference to Doug's blog self promotion/self importance) you responded: sqwrloffortune 2003-10-10 04:06 pm "Didn't even know you had a blog, precious." I don't know why, but that had me in stiches when I read it. hahahahahaha, maybe it was becasue you had hugh laurie as the icon. I dunno. Just had to share.
Comments 6
2003-10-10 04:06 pm
"Didn't even know you had a blog, precious."
I don't know why, but that had me in stiches when I read it.
hahahahahaha, maybe it was becasue you had hugh laurie as the icon. I dunno. Just had to share.
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