WOW Ive been updating a lot laitly

Sep 26, 2005 22:08

OK so I need to pick my senior quote like Im sure a lot of people do too ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

just_tyler September 27 2005, 02:25:22 UTC
haha! oh yes, Skawski quotes. I'll admit that those were some of my best HS days.

I can't think of any other ones though, you covered the best ones.


enter_nite September 27 2005, 02:33:00 UTC
Ok so you allready have my opinion and now that I like the first one you wrote.....the one that is your favorite right now. But I write this in hopes that you'll consider my suggestion one more time.....

"Catwoman. Was that really necessary?"

It's so cool!!!! If you do it I'll probably die from happiness.....or be really excited........ whatever.


faeverde September 27 2005, 02:37:08 UTC
i like the first one too, but i REALLY like "I looked Death in the face last night..." i'd go with not a Skawski quote...


rainy_lucy September 27 2005, 12:39:03 UTC the sick sick movie one :)


redlotus87 September 27 2005, 18:52:38 UTC
i sy go for the out of a paper bag one or the suprise not mistake one. I got my quote.


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