Still Locks The Fabric, Maiden Typist, Los Fairy Tales

Nov 19, 2004 07:45

I'm surrounded by books and baggy pants. Had an excellent discussion with a substitute teacher yesterday, about literature, and she gave me a list of books to read, for which I am grateful. I've fallen behind, due to my 3 years or so of apathy, and now I need to catch up. Currently, I've begun Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov, and so far it's quite ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

instant_safety November 19 2004, 21:03:28 UTC
instant_safety November 19 2004, 22:08:00 UTC

effects self-evident of internet withdrawal estonianpunkcat November 20 2004, 05:47:11 UTC
Talk to Emma about Lolita; she read it and apparently very much enjoyed it.

Speaking of books, I'm in chapter 12 of the Fountainhead, so I'm hoping you're progressing just as nicely in Catch-22, as the deal we made calls for. Otherwise I own your soul.

I hope also that you're working on the script. If/when I next come down to Manassas I should like to see the place for myself.

You did spell it correctly.

Not that you can really schedule them, but a heart-to-heart in the near future would be ideal. (...Then again, aren't any and all truthful conversations really heart-to-hearts? But I think you know what I mean.)

Um, the best of luck tomorrow.


junesongvision November 24 2004, 03:04:42 UTC
Good luck even though it already happened! ♥

Im still not added! :cries:


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