- cant live my life this way

May 09, 2004 00:27

it's been a while since i've left a post, probably because i've been sick. and this weather does'nt help any. i finished my g.e.d test this morning, i dont really have any doubts, but i have to wait 4 weeks to know if i pass or fail. hopefully the month of may will go by somewhat fast, i want to get on with my plan for a better future. next ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

autumnz_end May 13 2004, 07:22:35 UTC
hey sorry i havent talked to u much lately...the graduation party was for my family so it wasn't all that much fun but i did get to see a few people i hadnt seen in awhile. i hope everythings going great...


exjesus May 13 2004, 22:43:59 UTC
it's as good as it gets in my opinion, although i have'nt seen you in a while. i actually have no idea what i'm doing due to the fact that i have never experienced what i'm going through right now. call me if you ever need anything. :)


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