out of everyone you've ever met, who is:
the funniest? either Adam B. or Eddie C.
most serious? that's a very tough one...
meanest? xMikex
nicest? quite a few... but probally Cory
sickest? as is sickly or disgusting?
most polite? i can't think off hand...
modest? most of the pretty girls i know
most mature? maturity is relative. but probally xJoex
immature? chris, eddie, mark
ugliest? i'm not that mean
most beautiful? lena, denise,
most honest? all have differing degrees of honesty
biggest liar? this kid named Tony
biggest clepto? xvLoydvx
biggest asshole? chris has his moments
biggest bitch? amy g. had her moments
most faithful? as in religious? not too many kids i know are religious...
biggest slut? i really don't try prying into my friends sex lives...
gayest? Herman, Scott P., Wes, Shannon
straightest? all the homophobes i've met probally
lamest? me for taking surveys
coolest? what is coolness?
most obsessive? i obsess...
most annoying? my brothers have probally annoyed me more than anyone overall.. but not so much anymore.
quietest? too many...
most innocent? Holly
most egotistical?
geekiest? ??
suavest? Joe