Name: Nicole/minwhore/@thechangmin (lj and twitter)
I am auctioning: 1 fic
Starting bid: $4 for 5000 word count fic. Anything longer will generally be $1 per 1000 words. If you wanted something longer (i.e. 10-20k+) we'll have to negotiate.
limitless_sea and
desertedkingdoms (ten minute drabbles which are meh but I figured you should know what type of writer you're getting into lol)
Specifics: I'm not willing to write any non-con/dub-con, and bestiality. I work/write a LOT better with Baekhyun pairings (my otps are baekai and baekyeol lol), but I'm willing to write any fandom favorite pairings (i.e. hunhan, lukai, taoris, kaisoo). Heck, I'll write any pairing if I need to. (Just saying though, my writing will most likely be better if I myself have a personal investment in the pairing.) I'm open to any genres, but I really suck at band/canon fics HAHA (orz). I can work with prompts, but I really like details as well! It might take me a while to finish, but I will try and make it to your liking!