Jun 20, 2017 19:58


Prompting : 1st-15th of June 2017
Prompt revealed : 18th of June 2017
Prompt claiming : 20th of June 2016 - 31th of August 2017
First check-in : 30th of July 2017
Final submission : 9th of September 2017
Posting : 15th-29th of September 2017
Guess Who : TBA
Reveals : TBA

Hello, guys! NOW IS THE TIME!!!!!!! The fun part of ficfest~ (And of course we are also excited about this~!) Have you guys checked the prompt sheet? Got any prompts that catch your attention?

Claiming will start from today; June 20th, 2017 until August 31st, 2017 (23.59 KST)!

But before we get to the fun part, here are some things to remember :

1. This is a domestic!au fic festival, so the fic that you write has to have domestic!au as their main au. Other than that, we allow your creativity to explore more about the prompt you claim~ The minimal word count is 1,500 words.
2. Don’t forget to read through the rules before claiming any prompts!
3. This is not an exchange. So, those who submitted prompt(s) before is not obligated to write one fic for this fest. And those who didn’t submit any prompt, is also allowed to write for this fest.
4. Claiming will be on a first come first serve basis. You have the option to include your top three favourite prompt choices, so if your first choice has already been claimed, you will get your second choice, and so on.
5. You are allowed to claim your own prompt. But, the rules in number (4) is applied and we can’t guarantee that you’ll get your own prompt.
6. You are allowed to claim more than one prompt! That’ll be highly welcomed. BUT, you have to claim only one prompt at a time. You will be allowed to claim another prompt after you have submitted your work with the previous prompt, and so on. There is no limit on how many works you can submit, as long as you finish whatever you're working on before you claim another prompt. Please inform us and we'll send the final submission format to you.
7. If you want to change your prompt anytime, please tell us immediately! And then you can follow the claiming procedure again to claim another prompt.
8. And if you want to drop out of the fest, please tell us immediately too! Dropped prompts will be ready for claiming once again.
9.There is A NEW RULE this year; there is NO drop out date. BUT you have to inform us if you want to drop out from this fest. Dropped prompts will be ready for claiming once again.
10. In case we don't receive your check-in at the designed date, we will give you THREE WEEKS (with one email sent each week from the check in date (30the July 2017) to give you chance to inform us or send your check in. If in more than three weeks we don't hear anything from you, your claimed prompt will be dropped and will be blacklisted from future rounds.
11. In case you have sent in your claiming form but you don't receive any confirmation email from us within 48 hours, then maybe you're blacklisted (for those who joined last year's round).
12. Don't see anything you want in the prompt sheet but you still want to join? We allow self-prompt!!! Links to self-prompt form will be provided below.
13. You’re allowed to say whether you’re joining the fest or not on your social medias etc. BUT, please refrain from revealing/discussing your prompts other than to your beta or buddy. We’d like to keep the writers anonymous till the reveals~
14. We will open beta sign-up soon.
15. Regarding first check-in on July 30th, 2017. For those who claimed before and during July 20th (KST) has minimal word count of 750 words. Detail for check in will be sent later.
16. And for those who claimed after July 20th (KST) should show us your progress or if you haven’t written anything, you should send us an email if you’re still planning to write for the fic festival or dropping out. If you don’t notify us within a few days, you claim will be dropped.
17. Those who claimed after on July 30th or after, does not have any check in date. We'll see you on the final submission period!
18. If you want extension, please also tell us! We'll do our best to accomodate you.

Haven't seen our prompt archive? Click the picture below to go to our prompt library!!

Already picked your TOP 3 prompts? Click the picture below to go to the form!

Didn't find anything you like? You can use your own prompt, fill up the form here :


email :

twitter : @exohousewarming


Mod Z & N!♥♥

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