1. post anonymously unless linking to a fill posted somewhere else
2. use the subject line to indicate pairing (in alphabetical order using stage names i.e.baekhyun/chanyeol) prompt details go in the comment.
3. use necessary content warnings
4. do not embed on meme. link to images/videos. label nsfw content.
5. do not repost prompts
kris/luhan -
being discreetsuho/tao -
the desire for foreverchanyeol/kris -
princess princesschen/sehun -
third time's a charmchen/lay -
i can't breathechen/kris -
untitledkris/sehun/tao -
notice me, senpai!chen/kris -
what a catchsuho/tao -
remember the sunscreenot12 -
high high up in the skychen/kris -
we are awkward togetherkris/lay -
what's your name again? RECS
baekhyun/d.o. -
we're speaking in bodiesbaekhyun/d.o. -
nut up or shut upchen/suho -
the static from your arms, it is a catalystbaekhyun/chanyeol -
turn up the bright lightsvarious -
fucktoy auluhan/sehun, kai/sehun -
eat your heart out flat view |
delicious archive |
rules/mod post this part is CLOSED, please post new prompts on the
current post.