Poor journal! It has been neglected since I came back from Yuurop, mostly because I can now complain to people over MSN about the daily workings of my life (which are uttely uninteresting, in any case).
So far I have been playing Pokemon Crystal like mad in a little fit of regression. Six badges and a shiny Gyarados so far, GO ME. Also I have read the Laurell K. Hamilton Guilty Pleasures graphic novel, which was trashy and hilarious and offered itself to many games of 'this dialogue is not amusing enough. Let us mentally rewrite it so it is'.
University starting soon! Even though the people at my faculty office are not as nice as the people in the Science faculty office, which is where I mistakenly headed at first, I am still kind of pumped to be getting back to the whole learning business. I am sure I will get back the hang of it in a few days. My efforts at finding a job continue, hampered by the fact that my gmail has epic fail and decided to hang on me. I blame
ompgc , who jinxed it by saying gmail sucked. Scrap this. Through my true technological genius (aka the HTML view) I have gotten my gmail up and running again.
Since coming back I have not written at all, which is kind of indicative or whatever, but plotting has been taking place and the moment I can figure out how to write Our Protagonist #1's POV I will get right to it! (says the six-years-running World Procrastination Champion.) I have an opening line. That is always a good thing. I also have another idea for a scene which I kind of want to write because it involves recycling characters and I hate throwing redundant characters away. I feel so bad for them, especially with the current high unemployment rate.
Today I tried to dye my hair purple. All it is is a kind of shiny violet-brown in light. I guess that's what happens when you don't bleach jet-black hair before dyeing it, but I didn't have any bleach on hand. Also I was lazy. Currently I'm wondering why my orange juice looks so sentient and whether or not I should eat this piece of cheese. It has a laughing cow on it. Damn amused bovines.
My sleep patterns seem to be returning to normal, which is kind of nice, but I miss getting up at 5am when it was all dark and quiet and peaceful. I shall try and return to such a pattern. Maybe. If I can be bothered.
There is a whole selection of movies I would like to watch, most of them just out of cinemas and a few I think I might just miss. Which disappoints me, but I am no stranger to disappointment of the cinematic variety. Apathy is a controlling mistress; she demands I stay at home and so I do. (How ironic.)
So many brackets. Disappointment. I think I may just have a bracket infestation.