EVEN if WE d0N`t SPEAk 0ftEN, C0MMENt WitH 0NE MEM0RY 0f ME. iT CAN bE ANYtHiNG Y0U WANT - G00d 0R bAd. jUSt AS l0NG AS iT hAPPENd. tHEN P0St tHiS 0N Y0UR liVEJ0URNAl & SEE WhAt 0tHER PE0PlE REMEMbER Ab0Ut YOU.
the first thing i remember is the time you beat the crap out of craig for like 2 hours lol i don't know why i remember that but it came to mid first so i put it lol Ryan
The Pool, Hot Fudge Cake, Justin, Jam, Hanging up on Jeff, Campaign posters, peebles, making cakes, the exploding muffins, powder sugar fights, dancing in the resturaunt, feeding jenn rice, and our ice fight outside, you helping me w/icq, hiding from jenn's sister autumn, turtle, my ruiend birthday surprise, my power to open the door w/my butt, annie our step-mom, trip to lasertag, spring variety show, cattle ranch, pant leg, our talks about "THiNGS", Tom,*
uhm..yea.. theres to many more, lol* but anywho you get the point! loveyah =)
Comments 19
The Pool, Hot Fudge Cake, Justin, Jam, Hanging up on Jeff, Campaign posters, peebles, making cakes, the exploding muffins, powder sugar fights, dancing in the resturaunt, feeding jenn rice, and our ice fight outside, you helping me w/icq, hiding from jenn's sister autumn, turtle, my ruiend birthday surprise, my power to open the door w/my butt, annie our step-mom, trip to lasertag, spring variety show, cattle ranch, pant leg, our talks about "THiNGS", Tom,*
uhm..yea.. theres to many more, lol* but anywho you get the point!
love you!
Ummm....coming to you christmas eve dinner was really nice, though!
Love you!
love you too!
..enuf said*
<3 ya!
love you too!
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