And it's settled, I'm heading home for christmas. Well actually on a trip with my aunt, Emily, and her mother. We're heading off around Russia, points of visiting: Yekaterinburg, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Noril'sk, and Magadan. The best part is that I believe that we'll ne in St. Petersburg for christmas eve.
Now my problem is that I still haven't told Emily that Morag kissed me. I guess half of it is my fault, if I wasn't tickeling her. Yet, the present that i have to get in Russai is for her. I mean since Emily and I live around there, there's no point to getting her anything around there. Ugh, life doesnt seem to be normal with out a problem going on.
And there seems to be something else that my aunt and uncle want me to go to. Didn't specify what but I have a pretty decent idea to what it is.
As for christmas shopping, I believe I'm done with it all. Except for something that I have to pick up in Russia. -shrugs- One less thing to do on my list.