:imagine not being able to trust your ( s e n s e s )
It smells like blood, is the first thing you notice when you come to your senses. The air is dense, heavily pressured and full of the deadly scent of metal seared raw.
The earth roars its discontent. The air answers with a breeze that makes its smell overpowering. You hear the cracking of ice, great glaciers falling apart underneath the roar of flames and you can only wonder what you are experiencing inside your head (because it's all in your head-it has to be).
And then you wake up, leaving you to your disoriented thoughts as you find yourself very alone in the streets of a grand city.http://community.livejournal.com/pareidolium/1439.html" style="text-decoration:none">INFO DIRECTORY
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http://cryptamnesia.livejournal.com/profile" style="text-decoration:none">Absolute ✘ Threshold is a small (finite) plot-intensive multifandom game that incorporates themes and concepts primarily from the psychological concept of perception. The experience of the character is entirely dependent upon the player and their character.
Reserves now Open!
Applications now Open!
Open RP Post (everyone welcome!) http://community.livejournal.com/absolute_n_n/7787.html">Here!
Game starts February 10th.