TOP ⇈The following is a list of keywords and definitions from the game since its beginning in 2008. Despite the relaunch, it has been left in tact as many of these terms will eventually show up again. Please do not worry about this section until a word appears in games that you are not familiar with. If you come here looking for an unknown word, chances are you'll find the definition. If not, simply leaving the word in a comment here and we'll put a definition up for you right away.
⇪ Using the Glossary Efficiently
TOP ⇈The name for the fluctuations that happen to the city and how it is viewed/experienced by its occupants via the five senses of touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste. Not much information has been revealed on how the AT works. In fact, it seems to be mostly randomized and affect every individual differently. The only constant that seems to be present concerning the Atmosphere Threshold is that there are designated areas where the AT has concentrated itself into a very low system. These areas allow the AT to have significantly greater affects on individuals who pass through them. Someone seems to have scoped out the city and these areas, however, labeling them on the network map available to everyone by color codes. The communicators give off a warning sound when approaching one of the areas.
⇪ Atmospheric Threshold
TOP ⇈Cherubim has been identified as some sort of control room, although only a few people traveled there with one of the natives some time ago. Unfortunately, no one ever offered the information to a public network file or other individuals and all the participants that traveled there have since vanished.
⇪ Cherubim
TOP ⇈Childs are the name give to the monsters/demons that invade the city from time to time. They usually remain in Niflheim or on the Otherworld plane, but when things shift or become unstable, it's possible for them to appear.
There are varying kinds of childs, ranked by classes E to S with a separate class ranked as SX. The lowest ranked childs tend to be the bottom feeders and lack intelligent and etc. As you go up the ranks, this changes. Class A and up usually are able to think and feel and take the form of a humanoid rather than remain in their natural form.
Childs also vary across the ranks by size and aggressiveness. Some childs are not interested in fighting and will not attack unless attacked first. Other childs will even assist you if they can. And still there are the ones that will hunt you down from across the city (so you better keep moving).
⇪ Childs
TOP ⇈While not as strong as the Magisters, in the city with powers suppressed they tend to be a fair match to them (possibly even stronger). These childs are ranked A+ and by their titles, may or may not command their own armies (if they do, they've yet to be seen). Prithvi is the leader and the only one to take on a female appearance. Phalanx, Azmeth, and Cthluhu don't seem to be her servants, but will take orders from her when it's necessary to make decisions.
Azmeth has a somewhat soft spot for the foreigners, sympathetic from being tamed by Rhode Kamelot and now Shiro. Phalanx and Cthulhu are somewhat unknown in terms of motives and status, but it wouldn't be a surprise to see them around again. They do need Azmeth back, afterall.
It is unclear if Gaea controls the four of them or if she is merely a higher rank that conveniently has them to do her bidding. Interestingly enough, they all seem quite aware of what is happening around them, but have no interest to tell. Not even tease by vague hinting at having information.
⇪ God Generals
TOP ⇈Keys, like they do in most places, open doors. These particular keys, however, formally known as "Gate Keys", are specifically created to unlock the possibilities in the Plane Shifts. They have the power to specifically alter the finer points of reality - to speed things up, slow them down, to change various factors. Short of the runes, they are the most powerful devices in play in the game, and they can also be fabricated by the relevant sorts of PCs if the characters are the type to do the research. However, they are very mysterious devices, and even the Magisters don't know much about them or how they work. After all, they probably didn't appear until after the incident with the Minerva Seal.
Currently there is only one known official Gate Key in play in the game, originally belonging to Lilith and currently in Dan's possession. However, the Cauldron Hazama created from the false rune is being used as a Key.
⇪ Keys
TOP ⇈Lilith is hot a machine created by Caim for the administration of the Yggdrasil network. Like the man who made her, she's Very Serious about her job. And a prude. She also essentially acts as a military advisor and general information hub, as she was originally intended as a Magisterial assistant. Although she is very rarely seen outside of her text and voice-based transmissions on the network, she does have a physical form. And it's hot.
She is also the bearer of one of the Keys (a key to what is currently unknown), which is in the form of a scythe.
Dai and Lawfer flirt with her mercilessly, mostly to piss Caim off. They'd encourage you to do the same.
TOP ⇈The Magister Militum are specially-selected individuals who act as protectors for the royal family, and are granted special abilities from the runes they inherit. They are ageless, but can be killed in action.
The four current magisters are Caim (ice), Dai (fire), Ava (earth) and Belin (wind). However, Dai and Belin defected shortly before the effective destruction of their world's objective reality and couldn't be replaced, so they're Magisters by technicality and not in the eyes of the royals or other Magisters.
⇪ Magister Militum
TOP ⇈The name of the city you've arrived in. A thriving port city that makes its considerable wealth in trade, tourism and travel, also home of the royal family of this region. It could be seen as the country capital. It was once a beautiful and historic city, but the incident several years ago caused reality to crumble and most of humankind to be annihilated in this area, and the city fell with it. Outside of it, the Atmospheric Threshold becomes too considerable to attempt travel.
⇪ Nuadoria
TOP ⇈Natives can refer to anyone present in the city that was not forcefully brought there from another world. It has generally been associated with the Magisters, however.
⇪ Natives
TOP ⇈The "abode of mist", the place where the foreigners go when they're killed on Nuadoria's current Plane. It isn't actually "death" as much as a Plane below the ones affecting Nuadoria, and there is normally a toll required to make it worth expending the energy to return someone. In the past these tolls have included memories, servitude/energy-draining (specifically where Dai's concerned), orders to carry out, and so on. It's a dangerous environment populated by minor Childs, making extended stays or permanent living in that Plane unfeasible.
While there, the dead can view the activities of the living and comment on it on the network, but they can't be heard by anyone except the fellow dead, the Magisters and other natives.
⇪ Niflheim
TOP ⇈Planes are different "forms" of Nuadoria, each having their own unique attributes. The primary plane is the one that is default to Nuadoria.
A branch plane refers to the elemental planes particularly as they branch out from Nuadoria and "rotate" around it. They are usually considered inactive, but have been known to become active and settle on the city. The branch planes also include the ones called Otherworld & Regeneration, but there is no elemental attribute to it. Some suggest that Otherworld is the true state that Nuadoria has been left in and that the default plane is nothing but an illusion.
When a plane actives and settles on Nuadoria, the physical area gains particular attributes that the plane offers. These can range from variations in the environment as a sustainable atmosphere, to reorganizing and stilting the elemental balances in favor of the element of the plane.
⇪ Plane, branch plane
TOP ⇈The term used for when an inactive plane activates for one reason or another. Plane Shifts are usually spontaneous and little warning can be given. Predicting which plane will activate and shift at any given time is also near impossible.
⇪ Plane Shift
TOP ⇈Four master elemental runes that were the blueprints to all other elemental runes in the world that Nuadoria once belonged to. At present, these four runes belong to the Magisters, these are the primary source of each Magister's power and play a part in maintaining order in reality. When they were recently shattered, the reality of Nuadoria shattered with them and the world became an amalgamation of everyone else's worlds, held together by a sinister mountainous ridge in the distance.
The master runes are able to gain a "living" corporeal form that each master has at their command. They can be viewed as very powerful and distinguished summons, serving only one master and protecting them at all costs. That includes protecting them from each other.
There is currently one known false rune in play. It was created by Stein, received by Kaden and given to Hazama when he struck Kaden a deal, and is currently in the form of a Blazblue "Cauldron".
⇪ Runes
TOP ⇈There is a rumor that there is a seal that locks away the demon Minerva. Some say Minerva is actually a goddess, others say a lifeform from another planet, and still other have further varying opinions. The truth is that no one knows exactly what Minerva is or if Minerva even exists.
According to a classified file on the network, the Minerva Seal was cracked due to a failed attempt by someone unnaturally powerful to break the seal. A dark concentrated mist leaked out and spread over the city, causing chaos and destruction until there was nothing left.
Or so they say.
Either way, the seal seems to be of great value to all the natives, whether to break it and free Minerva or to protect it from being tampered with at all costs. It has been mentioned more than once that Minerva is the key to getting the characters back to their homeworlds.
Minerva's Seal cannot be simply broken and is protected by several other minor seals which reside on the various planes.
⇪ Seals, Minerva's Seal
TOP ⇈The name of the "stump" of the planes, it resides somewhere in the middle of the default plane and all other planes connect to it. In Sefirah it is said that all 7 branch planes come and meet together as one single new plane, but no one has ever stepped foot inside it other than a few natives back before the disaster happened.
They're not so inclined to speak of it, but there has been increasing evidence that it is the place where the Magisters took their last stand.
Sefirah is also said to be the home of Minerva's Seal.
⇪ Sefirah
TOP ⇈A control room like Cherubim, but no one has discussed it enough to have any solid data on it. Even those who ventured to Cherubim never set foot inside this place.
⇪ Seraphim
TOP ⇈The Yggdrasil Network is the net that connects all of the communicators. It was a technological device offered by Caim's home city, Sophron, as part of a trade agreement/truce deal with Nuadoria. It was used as a Nuadorian military network and is intended for secure communication between authorities, but since all of the new arrivals come with a communicator, the network is now just a communication point between everyone in the city.
⇪ Yggdrasil Network
TOP ⇈Zones are places marked on the network map by color coded sections of the city's terrain. These areas are identified as high concentrations of AT that formulate into varying levels of systems, creating more dangerous pockets of the city to travel through. Green Zones indicated areas with little or no AT and thus minimal risk of adverse effects are assumed. Yellow is the next level of danger from green, posing possibly moderate effects and more frequent minimal occurrences. The next level is red, which is considered a danger area as all have high potential of being effected the longer they stay in a red zone. Red zones can sometimes combine and form Dark Red Zones, and a few times the city has even experience a Black Zone, which no one is able to withstand and are knocked unconscious.
⇪ Zones
TOP ⇈The City of Andreia.
⇪ Ἀνδρεία
TOP ⇈The City of Dikaios.
⇪ Δικαιοσύνη
TOP ⇈The City of Sophia.
⇪ Σοφία
TOP ⇈ The City of Sophron.
⇪ Σωφροσύνη
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