fic: Arm's Reach

Nov 28, 2008 18:01

For Stiaan, who wrote me awesome porn earlier this week. ♥
Totally not worksafe. ^_^

The word for it in alchemy is 'volatile.' Anything can set them off, it seems -- a word, a glance, both their hands reaching to turn a page at the same time -- and suddenly they're pushing aside whatever they've been using to distract themselves, pulling each other close. It makes Edward dizzy, how much he wants this, how good Stiaan feels in his arms.

This time it's the warmth in Stiaan's smile, the way he looks so honestly pleased to have Edward there with him and asking inexpert questions about the magic he's refining in his workroom. Edward loses the thread of his question halfway through, reaching out instead. "Come here," he says.

Stiaan's laughter is one of the most gorgeous things he's ever heard, bright and artless, untempered delight. "Changing your line of inquiry?" he asks, sliding into Edward's arms.

"You make it hard to concentrate," Edward says, and then Stiaan is kissing him and he has neither the breath nor the wit to continue. They're nearly of a height with each other, so their bodies fit well together and the angle of the kiss is comfortable. There's always a hint of strangeness in the way Stiaan tastes, something green and wild with magic, like the scent that clings to his skin. It's intoxicating, and more so when Edward's teeth catch his bottom lip and Stiaan moans. His fingers dig into the muscle of Edward's back, more strength than his lean frame looks capable of, and Edward shudders. He slides his own grip lower, arms around Stiaan's waist for leverage as he rocks his hips. The friction is delicious, maddening, and they won't be able to keep this up for long before they have to stop -- before they're in danger of losing the last of their willpower and breaking the rules. But the ache of wanting it is too thrilling a torment to resist, and Edward doesn't think he can stand to --

Stiaan breaks the kiss, his breath coming short as he leans his head against Edward's shoulder. "Would you like to try an experiment with me?" he asks.

"When you ask like that?" Edward says. "I could hardly refuse."

"I can't...touch you," Stiaan says. He pulls back enough to be able to meet Edward's eyes. "But you can touch yourself, can't you?"

Edward's face flushes hot. "Yes," he says. Gods know he's been doing plenty of that, whenever he has the privacy to get away with it.

Stiaan nods, and steps back until he's just out of arm's reach. The blue of his eyes is bright and vivid, and he looks flushed himself. "Do it, then."

"Right here?" Edward says. His voice cracks. "With you --?"

"Watching," Stiaan agrees. "And -- doing likewise." His hand drops to the front of his trousers, cupping the hardness there. "I think we should be able to do that much."

Edward licks his lips. "Okay," he says. His hands are shaking slightly as he strips off his gloves. It's still strange to bare that glyph in front of anyone. Stiaan could tell it was there even when it was covered, though, and he's never acted like it mattered. There are better things to focus on right now.

Like the way Stiaan is watching him as he unlaces his pants. The way Stiaan's breath hitches when he bares his cock. Edward's heart is pounding, and he's not sure he could stand to do this if it weren't for the way Stiaan is watching him -- just slightly nervous, but mostly wanting. "You, too," Edward says.

"Of course," Stiaan says. He sounds hoarse. Edward wraps his hand around his cock, stroking as slowly as he can stand to as he watches Stiaan bare his own. He's seen men naked before, of course, but he's never looked like this, never paid attention to it -- Stiaan's hand is fine-boned, his fingers pale as they curl around the shaft of his cock.

"I want to be the one touching you," Edward says.

Stiaan laughs ruefully. "I want that, too," he says, but he takes a step back, instead of closer, leaning against the edge of his work table. "I've been thinking about that a lot. Your touch. Your hands on me."

"Gods," Edward says. He steps back himself, putting his back to the wall for support. "I -- I want to know what that would feel like. Imagining it is -- is good, but --" He's watching the way Stiaan's hand moves, matching that rhythm with his own strokes.

"But not the same," Stiaan finishes. His cheeks are flushed, and he's watching Edward with such needy admiration it's dizzying. "I want to touch you. I want to taste you."

Edward can't help a moan at that. He's stroking faster -- they both are -- and he lets himself imagine that, the wet heat of Stiaan's mouth wrapping around his cock, and -- "Yes," he says, "yes -- I want --" and he pictures himself reciprocating, kneeling at Stiaan's feet and leaning forward -- and that's all it takes before he's shuddering, gasping, spilling in his hand.

Stiaan makes a choked, hungry sound, and Edward looks up just in time to see the expression on his face as he loses control, the gorgeous, willing surrender. It's the hottest thing Edward's ever seen.

"Still in our own skins," Stiaan says with a wry smile when he's caught his breath. "And much less frustrated, right?"

"Much," Edward agrees. "Though I'm, ah, going to be thinking about that for weeks."

"You're not the only one," Stiaan says. "You...want to come over here?"

Edward nods. "Give me a minute," he says. "So I don't ruin the successful experiment by mauling you as soon as you're in arm's reach again."

"We've got all night," Stiaan says, with a little teasing grin.

That's not going to help Edward calm down at all, but he can't bring himself to mind.


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