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Comments 230

[action - day] stardust_legacy May 4 2011, 04:38:19 UTC
You should know better than to play dumb with me by now.


expiatrice May 4 2011, 06:30:08 UTC
Oh, good morning, Kujo-san. Aha, well... it was worth a shot. [She'd ask if there's something, but she already did that. He doesn't say more than necessary and probably already got the message, so let's just wait for now.


stardust_legacy May 4 2011, 09:21:58 UTC
You wouldn't have tried something like that if you weren't hiding something. I won't pry if you don't want me to, but I will say that I always feel a little worried when you do stuff like this.


expiatrice May 4 2011, 11:22:32 UTC
Asking something from a drone student? Is this really that out of place?


[Action day] (Now with less run on sentence) flameyedhunter May 4 2011, 05:42:04 UTC
[Shana doesn't really notice ciel being weird. She waves to her French teacher and tries to fake a cheerful face, like her own life isn't a traumarama right now.]


:|b expiatrice May 4 2011, 06:53:49 UTC

--I mean.

A distraught student! She'll walk closer after nodding back, looking concerned.]

Good morning, Hirai-san. ...Are you okay? You seem a bit out of it, if you don't mind me saying.


flameyedhunter May 4 2011, 21:16:47 UTC
I'll be alright I just...

[She smiles a little sadly at Ciel.]

I guess I'm having complicated teenage problems. They'd probably sound pretty stupid to a teacher like you.


expiatrice May 5 2011, 02:54:17 UTC

To which she'll lean over a bit and chuckle softly.]

Not at all. I'd be worried, actually, if you don't at least go through some problems that teenagers should have. You can learn and grow from it, after all. Would you like to talk about it? I don't have a class right now, so I have time.


[ACTION - DAY?] zeppeli_cursed May 4 2011, 06:17:30 UTC
[Casual wave.] Ciel-san.


expiatrice May 4 2011, 06:47:02 UTC
[Oh hey it Kakyoin whom she blinked twice at when she saw him with Jotaro at the prom.

Interesting... (thinking)]

Good morning, Kakyoin-kun. You seem well; have things been going nicely, recently?


zeppeli_cursed May 4 2011, 06:48:21 UTC
Better than they were last time we spoke, to be honest with you. [He shrugs.] I suppose I'll start going to the correct classes again...


expiatrice May 4 2011, 11:24:43 UTC
It does seem so. Mm, I'm glad to hear that, but if you're a good student, doing it occasionally shouldn't hurt. [Yeah she didn't say anything weird just now at all...] The prom last Friday should have helped with everyone's mood too, I think. You were there, weren't you? I don't think that I could have mistaken someone else for you...


action- day piealchemist May 4 2011, 07:25:25 UTC
[Oh, there was weird stuff going on? Rorona wasn't paying attention.]

Oh! There you are, Ciel! Um... I have something for you!


expiatrice May 4 2011, 11:25:59 UTC
[NOPE! Just another average day in your average Mayfield. (b'_')b]

Hm? Good morning, Rorona! ...Eh? I'm a little surprised, I do admit. What is it?


piealchemist May 5 2011, 01:41:34 UTC
[What isn't average in Mayfield anymore...

But okok she has a pie in a little container for Ciel]

I was trying out new recipes, so...

Um- anyway! I was trying out new recipes, and I wanted to bake a pie for you! I didn't burn anything this time, either. I don't know what kind of pies you like, so... u-um, you can always have your other housemates try it!


expiatrice May 5 2011, 03:10:21 UTC
[Oh gosh you are SO CUTE ;u;]

Really? Oh, you didn't have to, but if you went through all the trouble, of course I'll try it! That's good to hear, too. What recipe was it, if it's okay for me to ask?


late night fatesjanitor May 6 2011, 03:39:23 UTC
[Archer notices his Master, if you could even call Ciel that, as she enters Mayfield from the highway. He's up on a building this time around however, as he observes the night time surroundings. Seeing her at night isn't too odd for him, but her demeanor is what catches his eye. It's almost pensive. The blanket was especially odd given it was hardly cold out and Ciel wouldn't likely care if it was cold.

This prompts him to descend down to the sidewalk, landing a few yards in front of Ciel's path.]

Isn't it a bit warm to be covering yourself with such a large blanket?


expiatrice May 6 2011, 07:23:33 UTC
[Yeah it's not like she ever asks him for stuff. It's more like a convenient alliances of sort - but then again, this similarity in style may be a defining factor of their functionality, and may well make them as the most "normal" Servant/Master pair in town. There's little that he should be able to complain about, if nothing else.


Ah, it's him. One of the few that she didn't mind, not to mention that she likely won't be able to outrun him, even if she tried. Heck, she can't even hide - he has seen her in her Battle Dress before.

She stops walking.]

It is. This is for convenience.


fatesjanitor May 7 2011, 05:16:46 UTC

[He doesn't understand for a moment, however that's when his eyes catch sight of her collar. It was dark and slightly torn. ...Ah.]

I see. [A sigh.] Nothing too tasking, right?


expiatrice May 7 2011, 08:28:59 UTC
No. It's just some bad luck. [Rank Z, etc.


And then a small laugh. Same as always before she starts walking again, making a small slant towards the street because he did position himself in the middle of the sidewalk.]

It's rare to run into you even on my patrols. Do I look than unusual?


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