October 11th-October 25th + state of mind update

Feb 25, 2011 15:27

There actually isn't a lot to report here, but what's here is pretty important.

October 11th: Ran Fan started practicing resonating with people, Rise being the first. They sort of got to know each other better, Ran Fan really doesn't have much to say about herself. She worked with a few other people over the next couple of days, too.

October 16th: She met Mulan for the first time, as talking with Ran Fan after the Witch Factory mission eventually made her decide to come clean. Ran Fan was surprised and... that's all I know at the moment. It'll get figured out somehow sooner or later XD;

October 20th: Next things of note happened on this day. Most importantly Rise asked her if she'd go on a mission with her because bad things were going down in Canada and you don't mess with her boyfriend. Or, well, she didn't say that, but that was pretty much the deal XD. Ran Fan, still obsessed with working hard on this sort of thing so she could find a partner, agreed to go with her. She also went and tried some really spicy food that Gai and Rise had cooked. Might be making a connection with that cake she found a month ago after that.

October 22nd: Said mission with Rise. It went fairly well, though Ran Fan was socially awkward most of the time of course.

October 23rd: Rise asked if Ran Fan wanted to make the partnership permanent and, with end of her mission finally in sight, she agreed. It's definitely the closest she's been to happy in quite a while.

October 25th: Which is actually next week, I'm just noting it because I know it's happening XD; She'll be moving back to Death City Heights with Rise and Luki. Ran Fan still needs to meet Luki, I'll note that the next time I update regardless of when it happens IG.

OH, BEFORE I FORGET Roy mentioned doing something for her as return for acting as a thief for him during the Watch exercise and both Ran Fan and myself have yet to figure out what to ask for. Just so I hopefully remember that's an open plot point.

Also wanna note her mental state right now because... I dunno, I guess I'm getting concerned that I'm not playing her properly through all this. Typing things out can help me piece things together and hopefully get better ^^;

The month mark came and went in this time frame since Ling was sent back, and even though she didn't say anything she did take note of it. This is a major subject, so it'll be injected throughout this probably.

The biggest deal now is that she finally has a partner, which has taken a bit of the failure mindset off of her. Even if Ling is never able to find out about it she still did it. She and Rise can resonate well enough for things to work right now, but it definitely could be better and Ran Fan's issues are a big factor, of course.

She's still not quite willing to completely open up to people nor is she entirely aware of everything that's been going on inside herself. Like I said, getting a partner is going to help her a bit but there's still more going on. I'm really not sure how things are going to go with Rise over the next few days since I think they're supposed to really get to know each other and... Ran Fan XD;

As usual, I think it all goes back to Ling. With a partner she's made a major step in her goal to help end the war so she can get back to him, and I really think a lot of her feelings there could be a problem. The bottom line is she wants to get back to him however she can. She doesn't necessarily want him to be sent back to Death City- with the recent news she got from Greed added on to what little else she's heard she at least knows that he survives back home for a while. As for her own performance and if it's satisfactory she has no idea, but at least he's basically safe. She's still concerned about what she's heard about losing her arm, however. Since she only has basic details she can't help but be worried that she'll be consider a failure by Ling and her grandfather.

And yet, it doesn't change the fact that she's not with him and therefore feels like she's not fulfilling her duty. These latest happenings have been an improvement, but I don't think her feelings have been properly dealt with just yet and I see that as a problem. Like, she knows her goal is to get back to him which has set her off on all these other things she's after and thinks are what she needs to do in order to stop feeling like a failure and hopefully end the war. But the bottom line is that really the only thing she wants is to see Ling again and I don't think she realizes that because she's distracted herself with these other tasks. I keep feeling like this needs to be addressed somehow for some reason, I dunno. These thoughts are where I'm worrying about how I'm playing her right now.

I've done my best to use what I know from canon and what she's been through to figure out what's been going on with her during all of this, but if I'm wrong in thinking that's a problem... I dunno, I may need OOC help then, lol. Because if it's really not something that would be getting in the way then I obviously need to take that out of my mind when I play her. Getting a partner took a major load off her mind, but now they need to start connecting and there's still a lot for her to focus on as being her actual problems when really her problem is that at her core she's sad and lonely and she doesn't totally recognize it; does that make sense?

I dunno. This did kind of give me a better mental handle on things but I still have no idea how to go about anything.

And another note to self because I'm thinking/hoping this will happen sooner or later: seeing as she wants to see Ling again and Greed is still around the next time she sees him it's really going to piss her off. Kinda tying back to the issues I mentioned above. Again I'm not sure if this really matters or anything but it's something I need to keep in mind.


Why does she have to be such a problem child? *sighs*

what she isn't saying, game reference

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