They will close on a TBD date.
-- Currently Reserved
Yylfordt Granz [
solnyshkomoyo] (Expires 12/10)
The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi
Kyon [
individual] (Expires 12/8)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
Fudou Yuusei [
northwind_gale] (Expires 12/9)
Reserve your character of choice here! Before reserving, be sure to check the
Taken List to make sure that the character you wish to apply for is not already in-game. Then, be sure to stop by the
Application Page and check out our rules on who is and is not appable, and make sure your character is in the clear. After that, please fill out the following form and reply here, and then you're all set! For the Player section, please put a link to a journal!
Once a character is reserved, others may not apply for that character until the application has been judged or the reserve expires. At this time we are not accepting challenge applications.
Reserves will (normally) last for one week!
Character Name: The name of the character you wish to reserve
Canon: The canon of that character
Player: Your journal