If you think you might be absent from the game for a while, please let us know here! When Activity Check rolls around, the last thing we want to do is penalize players who are absent for legitimate situations and problems. Just fill out the following form and reply to this post with it.
Player name:Player LJ:Character(s):Character Account(s):Estimated Duration of Hiatus: (Please put specific dates, if possible)
Also, hiatuses made after the new Activity Check has been announced will not be counted towards exemptions from having to post activity, unfortunately.
Currently, the time limit for Hiatuses is 4 weeks (?). If you need to go longer than that, please contact one of the mods so we can discuss the situation. We're fairly lenient, but we want to make sure we understand why you're taking such an extended leave of absence and do the best we're able to make sure that there is no character squatting going on.
If you're leaving the game, please fill out the form below and reply, then remove your character account from all the communities. Whatever the reason, we're sorry to see you go, and hope you had a wonderful time playing with us!
Player name:Player LJ:Character(s):Character Account(s):Guild: (Exploration, Rescue, Honchkrow, or Not Affiliated)