There's something more that I'm looking for. There's a fulfillment that I have not yet reached. There's a boredom that idles from a lack of purpose. Meaninglessness oozes as the days ensue. Entertain me cruel world, I cry in monotone. When friends are in session, I begin to forget the existence of an apathetic life. When the latest media blares in surround sound, I'm saturated with temporary eye candy. Then, as quickly as the tsunami of involvement came, it vanishes, leaving me in the desert to fall asleep-- not wanting to awake. How do I walk through this sand of life dehydrated with no soul around to share the burden? Do I sprout wings and fly off the pages of self-pity?
A stranger in the distance calls to me. Wait, not that strange, I have bad eye sight. Usually, we only say hi in passing. Usually, I only come his way to beg when I am in desperate need. He is always off in the distance to offer his friendship. I can see him whenever if I look hard enough. Apart from me you can do nothing, he always says. I've always taken it like the many grains of sand around me. How can that help? Frequently, I just look for the next mirage. The bliss dazzles my eyes and depletes me like an icy fresh can of Mountain Dew.
And then I found her or her or her. Maybe a girl can make my life complete. I see her not off in the distance. She is very tangible. Riding on her camel. I want one of those. Maybe I could find a place of meaning if I rode her camel with her here, there, anywhere. But sooner or later, I see the look on her face. She's famished too. We are in dire straights and she doesn't know the "stranger." In fact, she might actually drive me away from him in my time of need. Sorry, I think for the sake of us both, I'll have to leave you behind in the desert.
Stranger can you hear me? Look what I gave up to know you better. Tell me what is the secret of fulfillment. Where can I find the spring of life and meaning.
In this life you will many times be famished and wonder where your feet are treading. Trust in me with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways ackniwledge me and I will make your paths straight.
How can that come about? I ponder.
I can hear your thoughts, he replies. But don't worry, I've always been able to. I know your experiences personally and have your best interests at heart. In fact, I walked through the desert myself on your behalf.
Oh yes. I read once, "In that he himself has suffered, being tempted, he is able to aid those who are tempted." You can help me stay on track. You can help me keep my focus off the dazzling lights, the mirage-- though a little bit of entertainment isn't bad.
Yes. Now you are catching on. I gave you eyes didn't I? In fact, I the stranger gave you everything. Dan, I am your father.
We walked and talked. When I grew tired, he carried me. And one day, he took up in the clouds to show me a true utopia-- better than any mirage.