[There had been some definite toying around on this particular connection today, the screen flickering off and on as the PGC's functions were flipped from video to voice to text and back - anyone with a reasonably quick eye may have caught glimpses of amber eyes and long black hair, and perhaps sharp features holding an expression that seemed more
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Comments 163
....By the way, were you trying alchemy?
I was, actually! You're familiar with the practice, then?
Surely you would have figured something out by now, Kimblee.
Then allow me to apologize, but I'm afraid that I've only just arrived.
I have no intention of disappointing you otherwise, if you're whom I believe you are.
Oh, but I trust you're smarter than this interesting little presentation. Your alchemy? Gone. In case you were still struggling with that. [ She states this in a fairly cold and disconnected voice, but, to those that may have been around her often or really really perceptive individuals, it's clear there's a mocking undertone. ]
Why, why, it's been a little while since we last met but I'm glad to see you haven't forgotten. Then again, it's hard to forget your prime.
Surely I can't be entirely faulted - hope springing eternal and all that. Although I do appreciate the information. [Not offended at all, really, by anything in the tone or the wording; if anything, it's amused him.]
And I should hope you wouldn't think that I would forget; you and yours have provided such lovely opportunities in the past.
[What the hell was he doing, though. 8|]
You aren't familiar with them? I believe they're referred to by a different name here, but for the sake of brevity -
[The PGC shifts focus then, going oddly blurry for a moment while it moves before focusing on what's best described as an oversized Pokéball with a face. It doesn't seem too intent on doing anything in particular, other than rolling around Kimblee's legs and generally getting in the way much in the way of a very persistent cat at the top of a particularly steep staircase.
Voltorb, you are such a herpy-looking thing.]
What's that? I guess it's a Pokemon right? But I've never seen one like that before! Of course I've only been here... three months? And um, have only made it to Violet City but! I've seen what they have around here and I've never seen that before!
I wonder if Teddi-chan knows what it is?
[She disappears from the camera for a moment to pick up her Teddiursa and show him the screen. Teddi-chan looks worried when he sees the... ball-thing.]
Voltorb, I believe it's called; it's not proven to be much use so far. I assume that's the one you were granted on arrival, then?
...Destroying? WHAT'S THIS THING WITH ALCHEMISTS AND DESTROYING STUFF?! Isn't that just one part of the whole alchemy... Thing, however Elrics explained it to her long ago.
Winry gives a small, polite smile. She's sorry to tell you half of this but...]
Ummm. Your alchemy won't work here, sir, and that creature is a Pokemon.
He can't say that he's been worried about her any, as that simply isn't how he works, and if anything that entire...fiasco in Baschool had been more damaging to his ego than anything. All the same, he's mildly surprised to see her - but no, that is definitely Winry Rockbell; she's perhaps addressing him a bit strangely, but that's to be expected, isn't it?]
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