Describe yourself using one band and song titles from that band Created by
naw5689 and taken 28818 times on
bzoink!Choose a band/artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:Death Cab For CutieAre you male or female:Technicolor GirlsDescribe yourself:We Laugh IndoorsHow do some people feel about you:Fake FrownsHow do you feel about yourself:I Was a KaleidoscopeDescribe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:Information Travels FasterDescribe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:The Employment Pages (singleeeee)Describe where you want to be:Coney IslandDescribe what you want to be:A Movie Script EndingDescribe how you live:Blacking Out the FrictionDescribe how you love:All is Full of LoveShare a few words of wisdomNo Joy in Mudville
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Go to bzoink! Name 20 of your friends (randomly):
1. Brigitte
2. Adam
3. Amy
4. Jenny
5. Dafna
6. Ari
7. Molly
8. Lauren
9. Champ
10. Alex D
11. Alex L
12. Richard
13. Kaitlin
14. Beth
15. Ryan
16. Kevin
17. Chris
18. Amy P
19. Jackie
20. Lily
Who is #8 going out with? No one
Is #9 a boy or a girl? Boy
Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? Yes, because both of those boys are oh so gay
How about #18 and #4? Uh..i don't see that working
What grade is #17 in? 11th
When was the last time you talked to #12? today
What is #6's favorite band? hmm...i'm not sure. all i know is he likes mae
Does #1 have any siblings? yep 3
Would you ever date #3? Yes, i would love to date amy. you know what they say about those
Would you ever date #7? Molly, will you go out with me?
Is #16 single? Nope
What's #15's last name? Moore
What's #10's middle name? ajfdklaf i dont know
What's #5's favorite thing to do? be crazy
Is #13 hot? psh yah
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? ok i think you have gay fetishes or something
What school does #20 go to? OLP
Tell me a random fact about #11? He plays in Averian and is a picky eater
And #3? She drives a mexican car
Have you ever had a crush on #15? nope
What's #4's favorite color? blue
Would you make out with #14? uh, no thanks
Are #5 & #6 best friends? nope
Does #7 like #20? i dont think they know each other...but sure.
Does #8 like #19? oh yes
How did you meet #2? Brigitte and Sean yay
How did you meet #18? through dafna i th ink
Does #10 have any pets? ahh the dog with the insanely long tongue!
Is #12 older than you? nope
Have oral relations with #3? Yes...amy and i have oral relations all the effing time
Is #17 the sexiest person alive? hahahaha...yes
Does #2 have any cute siblings? aw yes lil seany!
Are you patient? depends what type of mood i'm in to begin with
What tries your patience most? stupidity
Are you polite? Yeah, i try to be
Are you kind? yeah i suppose
What makes it hard for you to stay sweet? when people are bitchy or when people lie to me
Do you have a bad temper? haha yes. when i get mad i look like i'm about to eat someone
Do you respect your elders? fo shizzle.
What's your favourite way to spend an afternoon off? shopping or walking to town
How do you sleep [on your side, on your back, all sprawled out, fetal position, etc]? i start out on my stomach but end up all sprawled out
Are you a blanket hogger? nope
What's your guilty pleasure [or pleasures]? olsen twin movies
If someone offered you $10,000 to go without your computer for 60 days, would you accept the offer? haha definatly...who wouldnt?
If you could go back to an earlier point in your life, knowing then what you know now, when would it be and would you really choose to go back? i would go back to last year and say they things i wish i couldve said.
If you could have any superpowers, which would they be? either flying or invisibility
If you could give superpowers to someone else, to whom would you give them and which powers would they be? uhh i would keep them for myself
What car would you drive if money was no object? old mustang beeetches
Where would you live if money was no object? LA or Rancho
01. Pierce your nose or tongue?tongue
02. Be serious or be funny? funny, serious people are boring
03. Lose weight or gain weight? lose
04. Whole or skim milk? skim
05. Single or Taken? single
06. Simple or complicated? simple
07. Law or anarchy? depends
08. Flowers or angels? what? how are those two even related to each other?
09. Grey or gray? gray
11. Color or black-and-white photos? black and white
43. Wonder or amazement? amazement
44. Red car or white car? red
45. Happy and poor or sad and rich? happy and rich
46. Singing or dancing? dancing
47. Corduroy or plaid? Bah neither
48. Happy or sad? happy
49. Purple or green? green
50. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? lifetime of friendship
52. Been kissed? yes
53. Done drugs? yeah
54. Eaten sushi? Yessss i love it
55. Eaten an entire box of oreos? nope, close enough though.
56. Been dumped? nope
57. Had someone be unfaithful to you? nope
58. Gotten in a car accident? kind of...except i was on a bike? if that counts
59. Watched the smurfs? "Yeah, she started smurfing me right in the smurfing parking lot" "smurf no!" "SAAMURF YEAH!"
60. Hiked a mountain? yep
61. Stayed home on a Saturday night just because? no
Pick up a book and write a sentence at random from it."Mark Young was sentenced to life in prison without parole for the possesion and conspiracy to sell marijuana" Reefer Madness best book ever
Do the same with a lyric from a song. "You had time to waste and i'm not sorry. Such a basket case, i blah blah something. I had time to kill, its dead and buried. You've got guts to spill, and know i'm trustworthy"
Have you ever tried to analyze your own dreams? haha yeah im a nerd.
What posters do you have in your room? Nirvana, Romeo & Juliet, Louis XIV, The Breakfast Club and Harry Potter haha
Can you sing? I prefer not to as it results in the crying of babies and breaking of windows
What's your favorite color of post-it note? the blue one
How many cassette tapes do you own? like 3 that i never listen to. one is wierd al i think
How many CD's do you own? over 200 i think
Ever bought a CD for just one song? haha yeah, the brand new cd.
Have you ever lied to get off the phone? yep. my mom and i have a system. i wave her down and she yells for me to get off the phone
Have you ever written a survey? No i dont have the attention span
How about a song? tried in 8th grade when i was an emo depressed child but it didnt work. its quite comical
Or maybe a poem? yep
Are you addicted to Napster? aw how old.
Ever been in an airplane? yeah i hate it.
If so where were you flying to? ny, texas, san francisco, los vegas, mississippi, tennesee, north carolina, south carolina, italy blah blah i hate traveling
What color are your shoes? white with blue pot leaves
Describe your bedroom: blue with a white bed and desk and crap
Would you ever shave someone else's head? hah sure
Name your favorite type of music: indie
Are you a vegetarian? no...i didn't climb the top of the effing food chain to chew on lettuce.
How about an aspiring actor/actress? yeah
What famous person dead or alive would you interview if you had the chance? kurt cobain
What movies do you have almost all the lines memorized to? 10 things i hate about you, the breakfast club, some of fight club