Photoshop + Imageready
1. Crop a picture:
2. Duplicate your layer. Go to 'image' - 'adjustments' - 'auto levels'. Now lower the opacity of that layer too 50%.
3. Flatten your image and paint the background black with the brush tool:
4. Layer - new adjustment layer - selective color
REDS: -80 0 0 0
NEUTRALS: 25 -20 -10 0
5. Layer - new adjustment layer - curves
RGB (input: 69, output:92)
BLUE (input: 223, output: 255 & input: 16, output: 24)
Gives this:
6. Layer - new adjustment layer - color balance (preserve luminosity chekced)
MIDTONES: 0 0 30
SHADOWS: 0 0 30
This will make it less yellow and more blue
7. Layer - new adjustment layer - selective color
YELLOWS: 0 0 -50 0
CYANS: -53 0 -100 0
Will make the blue prettier and make it less yellow
8. Then I googled for a picture of a graveyard
Since you made the background black, set it on lighten and arase where it covers the subject:
Now you can make more icons. I took the first and last icon of this set to make an animation.
Paste the 2 icons on top of each other so you have 2 layers in your pallette. Jump to imageready. Make 2 frames. Tween the first frame with the second and the second one with the first. I added 3 frames.