Title: Picking up the Pieces
Author: exquisite_ugly
Rating/Warnings: M (language, future explicit sex)
Summary: Bella returns to Forks a few years after having married Edward and moving to Alaska. Mistakes and regrets, loneliness and grief, she severs ties and returns to those she truly loves to start over. What will she come home to? AU, A/D/R, M-
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Comments 17
Aw, everywhere he goes there are memories of Bella. No wonder he moved away.
I laughed as she insisted on dipping her toes into the water and then screeched about how cold it was.
I like Lila. She's a short-haired blonde who likes photography, Jacob Black and doing stupid things. *thumbs up*
"Wow. So, you left because you were devastated about Bella, but here you are with a new girl,"
*snorts* As much as I like Jacob and respect him and think he needs some space for moving on, yeah, pretty much, Quil. If you put it like that, it sounds like a dick move.
Bella's pale, heart-shaped face was a mix of surprise and hurt; nothing was held back.
Funny, NM was all about Bella lying to herself (and, you know, everybody else) about her feelings, now she's letting it go at the worst period possible.
"I'm trying. Will you try, too?"
*sniffles* Oh, such a broken family.
"Bells, just remember I'll take him down if he hurts you. I got your back."I love how they've become ( ... )
Hey! You always give me a hard time when my stories have Bella drinking! :P
Did I scar you for life by giving you that review? :')
I've written about 50 some-odd (give or take), fics and drabbles, and three of them have a little drinking in them, but I always get a little lecture/comment about the alcohol. :(
No fair!
The scene on the beach with Jake and the pack, Lila and Bella - can you say awkward?
Yeah, awkward situation for sure. Though the pack suspected and went back to work, so that's a *tiny* bit better. haha. Thanks for the R&R, bb!
Whoa Charlie went off the rails. But still he just lost his only daughter, they could've tried again with him.
Still liking Leah also. Maybe being friends with Bella is a good thing.
Great chapter.
And yay for Leah! ;)
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