Title: To Mend a Butterfly's Broken Wing
Author: exquisite_ugly
Rating/Warnings: M (language, sexual situations)
Summary: After the newborn fight things take a different turn with the Volturi. Edward goes missing, the Cullen's leave to search for him, and Bella flees town from the pain of loss. Can Jacob help her deal with the grief a second time? AU
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Comments 6
Likes for Lindsay. *thumbs up*
The guilt Dana feels, although not completely necessary given the fact that she's not Alice, is understandable :(
Brandon, what's gonna happen when you meet Jake? I hope not something too bad ;)
And Dana is becoming a pretty good friend.. haven't had Bella say too much but it's becoming a good frienship. There will be more with Dana coming up soon!
haha - And Jake meeting Brandon might be scary.. for Brandon. ;)
Well, yeah, I would've punched that asshole too.. the only difference is, Bella was too stupid to admit that she was in love with him. Had I been in her shoes, I would've been Jake's girlfriend already :)
And my wish has come true, Bella interacting more with humans!
Why am I not surprised?
I think most of us would be Jake's girlfriend already. :)
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And I figured it was time for Bella to want to try and be strong.. she may be a bit stupid, but she's not too far gone. ;) Thanks for the review.. glad you're still enjoying it! :)
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