Well i guess i should update about my b'day party since i posted on here about it. Too bad i don't remember most of it. I did however remember why i stopped getting drunk heh.
But first, some pics from Halloween and whatnot (thanks Jude and Oldsmobile Mike):
From a while ago:
Weird face but u can see the metal 'staples':
Mike and i:
John, Myself and Legba:
And now the photos that i don't recall being taken in the slightest:
Definitely shitfaced, Jesse, myself and Z:
No recollection of taking this pic with Jasmine (but i do remember her giving me an awesome piece of the Berlin wall!!):
I think John is trying to make sure i don't die in the background of Legba haha:
Um... yea... haha, this i kind of recall:
And i recall a little of that haha:
Apparently i bit Jesse:
Jude (thanks for the pics) and Jasmine:
I don't even know if i can tell you my name or where i am at this point hahaha:
While heading out the door Matt called me to say he was thinking about me (because you know chicks love that shit) but still mixed feelings on that one. On the way to Asylum Sean (of all people out of nowhere) called me to wish me a late b'day, pretty awesome actually, it was a good conversation and made me miss hanging out with him.
So i get to to the bar and Ricki doesn't have an ID, wtf right it's a bar but what can u do. Medic (who came from b'more to DJ for the party) and i found out that the DJ booth was under renovations and the manager was really awesome about it. He bought me 2 drinks and said if i needed anything to let him know. Cristy and her brother and her boyfriend were there (both named David heh). Her brother (my ex bf) got me going on shots and i think it all went downhill rather fast after that heh. Jenna, her boy Alex, Mike (loss of signal), Legba, David h and his gorgeous gf, Josh, Danny and that girl i made out with once at chronos, Jude, Jasmine, John, Z, Andre (who i hadn't seen in 12 years!!) and is cool chick friend, i almost don't recall seeing Howard and Bevan but i know they were there, Denny and Kevin (who are from school). I'm sure there were more people i was just shitfaced heh. After just a few shots i was whisked off from the bar to a hallway (see photos haha) and don't know how long i was there but apparently ended up back at the table doing vodka shots (bad idea) and hitting on Rupa (David H's gf) haha. Don't remember much after the vodka but apparently i had a lot more to drink, but Jesse's nipple and got thrown over his shoulder as you can see. I know i talked to Andre for a bit because after 12 ayears he's still awesome as fuck, used to be one of my best friends in elementary school. Made out with Medic before going home .early from my own party early to hook up w a friend but not before eating an entire piece of big slice haha. Needless to say i don't remember much and i'm not getting drunk for a long time heh, i feel like such an asshole in the morning. (These drunken recollection rants always remind me of that Eurotrip scene in The Rules of Attraction if anyone knows what i'm talking about... u know... minus the drugs and hookers- actually here's the link to the video because it reminds me of how i write heh: