It didn't start off as a haiku but then it became clear to me that I could make it one. Rather than being a vague and pretty meaningless piece of poetry you'll find it very informative and succinct. You think I'm going to listen to a vice-president? Especially the vice president of the Michigan State Clown College? Puh-lease!
Sir, I must offer humble apologies for the blunt words of my colleague. He is, much like us all I would wager, prone to moments of stern clarity. Though I do not take kindly to the suggestion that we at the MSHS are mere jesters. I urge you to not stop writing your haiku’s. You might be surprised to hear the art is dieing and I for one do not want to stop the proverbial eager beaver from pursuing an art form that is close to deaths door. Though I would like to concur with my colleague and suggest you get more sleep, sleep as they say in Michigan is like ‘the bear who does not know when Sunday comes and Tuesday ends, but he will always find time for more yoghurt. (I have spent some twenty-three years in Michigan and have yet to fully grasp the meaning of said saying, but felt it fitting.)
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Vice-President of the Michigan State Haiku Society
President of the Michigan State Haiku Society
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