Name: Jacki
Age: 15
Location: North Carolina
5 Bands: French Kicks, The Who, The Strokes, Fugazi, Franz Ferdinand
5 Bands you do not like: Eve 6, Death Cab for Cutie, Nickelback, Sigur Ros, 50 Cent (et cetera)
3 Movies: Sixteen Candles, The Virgin Suicides, Rushmore
Hobbie: It's hard to choose just one, you know? But I'd have to say writing. Scribbling in my offline journal has gotten to the point of compulsion, and I write scads of stupid poems, songs, and short stories in my spare time.
Have You Ever Done any Extra Credit?: Yeah.
What?: I, being the stereotypical over-achiever that I am, have done extra assignments for Biology/Latin/English/etc to boost my already high average. I am pretty pathetic... But at least I'm on my way to getting into Columbia.
3+ Pictures(behind cut):