Post 5x22 Drabble (implied Dean/Lisa and Dean/Castiel)

May 15, 2010 18:38

This was mostly written as a response to c00kie and I joking about Dean crying into his cornflakes. And then I wrote it.

Every morning, Dean pads barefoot down the stairs of Lisa's small house to the kitchen. He flips on the coffee maker and pours himself a bowl of cereal, which he eats in the dark.

Later, he'll turn the lights on. He'll make coffee for Lisa; wake her with a kiss. Later, he'll scramble eggs for Ben, or maybe just shove a poptart at the kid before he slips out the door for school.

That's later. Dean eats his cornflakes now, alone, in the dark. He thinks about archangels and goodbyes.

Every morning, a few silent tears slip into his cornflakes.

spn fic, spn fanfic

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