Title: [Currently Untitled]
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts 2/Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Axel, Reno
Pairings: None, really. Hints (hah!) of Axel/Roxas and Reno/Rufus
"You're late." Axel said, leaning against the side of the building and fixing the other man with a half-hearted glare. He had always been on the receiving end of endless glares. From Xehanort to even Roxas, he made at least one member of the Organization pissed at him, one way or another. Though his reputation was nowhere near Demyx's. Then again, Demyx made more of a fuss of going about his various duties. And while Axel wouldn't always agree with the higher ups of the Organization, he still had his loyalties, however stunted they might be.
But he was pretty sure that Demyx didn't play pranks on other Organization members just to piss people off either.
"Yo. Sorry." The other redhead didn't sound very sorry. Not because he knew that Axel didn't really care that he was late. The other male just simply didn't care about what anyone would think of him.
"What? Your employers at the famous Shinra Corp. working you to the bones or something?" Axel snorted.
"Nah. I skipped out during lunch break." Reno said with a broad grin.
"O~h. Won't Shinra be pissed?"
"What Rufus doesn't know won't kill him." Reno paused for a moment. "So how's your end of the universe?"
"Pretty much the same. Go find the Keyblade Master, make sure he's killing off more heartless, play mindgames and-"
"Gaze at Roxas like the lovestruck girl that you are?"
"Take your damn stick and shove it, Reno." Muttered Axel, slugging his companion in the shoulder. "Besides, I have proof that you've been staring at Rufus Shinra like a lovestruck girl."
"What? What proof? What are you talking about?" Reno asked, dropping his arms to his side and staring at Axel in disbelief. And then he noted the latter part of the sentence. "And I do NOT stare at Rufus."
"I'm a Nobody, idiot. I can conjure up a portal anywhere. Makes for easy travel from one world to another."
"Bastard. You Nobodies and your damn portals."
"Your boss might be a genius, but they stopped passing out the brain when they reached you guys, huh?"
Why did I write this? Well, someone pointed out to me that Axel and Reno share the same voice actor and that amused me to no end. Plus it seems as if I've recently acquired a Reno muse AND an Axel muse. Woe is me.
I really have NO idea where I'm going with this. I still don't like the way these two characters sound. Probably should replay the bits with Axel in KH2. I may even dust off my FF7 too.